Tip* Apply a custom banner, tracker and soulmate image on your Felvargs official import database page.

Vande (#1982)
Level: 2

Vande (ID 1982) - MrsEvelyn

Name: Vande
Nickname(s): V
Health Status: Healthy
Owner: MrsEvelyn
Breeder: Semi Custom
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Soulmate: Unknown
Height: 180cm
Weight: 900lbs
Build: Titan (Low Content)
Coat type: Arctic
Genotype: ss/cr/Br/bk/Lu/Ol/Sp/Mk/Sb/Dt/Dd
Phenotype: Dilute Brown with Overlay, Splash, Mask, Sable, Dusted, Dun
Physical Mutations: Bobtail
Horns: None
Hierarchy Level: 2/6
Passage of Courtship: 2/2

Personality Traits: N/A

Felvarg Achievements
/ 24
User Achievements
-- TOTAL: 24 | Points: 0

You Had One Job Personal Pack Turkey Day 2017 Treat Craze Happy Halloween 2017 Trick or Treat Feltide 2017 Eastertide 2018 Happy Halloween 2018 Love is in the Air 2019 Eastertide 2019 Feltide 2019 Darkness Over Ulfrheim Happy Halloween 2021 Summertide Love is in the Air 2023 Storybook: Chapter Three Happy Halloween 2023 Treat Craze 2023 Trick or Treat 2023 Harvest Festival 2023 Moon Magic Hollow's Eve 2024 Islandtrotter



As a wanderer at heart, Vande was determined to grow up and become something that would allow her to travel the islands and see all there was to see, all while being able to make some coin. It didn't take long for her to fall into being a wandering merchant, collecting artifacts and things of value on her trips to in turn sell in her roadside shop. She is a charismatic Felvarg, eager to speak of her travels with anyone who would listen. She can get carried away at times though, often talking over another Felvarg or just stringing on for far too long. Once she gets started, it's difficult for her to stop. V will often interject herself into a conversation if she feels like there is a lull - but is also a bad judge between an actual pause and somefel just stopping to take a breath.

Even though she is grand in size, Vande often has a hired guard with her at all times. She was rather sickly as a pup, and as a result her lungs are weak. She struggles during the winters as it is already hard on a good day for her to get a deep breath. She is used to them coming and going, but likes to keep things consistent as it often takes a special type to be able to deal with her constant nattering. If somefel were to put her in her place, she can get rather pouty about it, complete with puppy eyes and a big, fat pouting lip. Sometimes this works, other times it gets her into little tiffs, but she is quick to try to talk her way out of anything. Her negotiating skills are strong, and the very reason why she ends up with so many goodies to sell in her store.


SSS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
Sire: Myrkr #705
SDS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
DSS: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
DDD: Unknown


Summer - Mtn


Felvarg: 2546-Morcant
Lore Seed growth in process!


Vande 1982
Soulmate: Unknown

Level One

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Two

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Three

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Four

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Five

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.
Official Tracker

Tack (2)

  • Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
  • Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.

Companions (0)

Traits (1)

0/6 Rare Traits
0/5 Legendary Traits
  • Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.

Backgrounds (0)

Cosmetics (1)

  • 1x Eye Mutation - Applies a Customized Eye Mutation.

Titles (0)

Activity Forms
Adventuring Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Adventuring
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.

Tracking Small Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Tracking (Small Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.

Tracking Large Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Tracking (Large Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.

Fishing Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Fishing
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Level 2 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.

Mountaineering Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Mountaineering
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.

Excavating Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Excavating
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.

Diving Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Diving
Additional Bonus Items:

Jormungandr Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Jormungandr
Additional Bonus Items:

Quest Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Quest
Additional Bonus Items:

Tournament Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Competition: Tournament
Additional Bonus Items:

Underbelly Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Competition: Underbelly
Challenger Alpha:
Additional Bonus Items:

Marathon Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Marathon
Additional Bonus Items:

Capture the Flag Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Capture the Flag
Additional Bonus Items:

Helvalla Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Helvalla
Additional Bonus Items:

Beast Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Completed Entry:
Additional Bonus Items:

Storybook Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Link to Storybook Hub:
Activity: Storybook
Additional Bonus Items:

Seal Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 1982 Vande
Link to Tracker:
Activity: Seal Hunting
Preemptive Heal: N/A -or- In Cache
Additional Bonus Items: