Welcome to the Species Hub

Click through the above tabs for a breakdown of details surrounding our species, The Felvarg.

Felvargs are incredibly large direwolves who are gifted with the capability to communicate what was once known as the human tongue, but has long since adapted into its own unique language widely used by all Felvarg who reside on Ulfrheim. Our intelligence and insight are capable of many feats; from noble rule to the engineering of great machines, from wizardry to the simplicity of farming, there is nothing a Felvarg cannot accomplish should we put our mind to it. We have had untold millennia to nourish our culture and sense of self. Over the thousands of Suns and Moons we’ve faced, our people have grown diverse and colorful in our tradition and ways. We share this with you, now, too, as you open your eyes and take your first steps into our home

Our world is vast — Ulfrheim is at our paw-tips, ready to be shaped and explored. Parts of our land are scarred from wars past, but many of our rolling hills are still in need of dedicated paws to explore them. Our farmers have gouged long lines of land for crops, and many villages big and small dot the landscape. Be careful, though, as magic crawls through every nook and cranny of the breathing earth beneath us. It seeps from the cracks and into the daily lives of those who can see it, meld it, wield it... For better, or for worse. Remember: magic itself is not evil, but those who choose to use it may be.

Felvargs come in many shapes and sizes, too, from the short-legged Dwarf to the towering Titans. We were all created uniquely by the great Fenrir himself. Some of us have the long, slender legs of a marathoner, while others are built with broad shoulders and large paws like weapons of war. There are those that adorn furs of beasts conquered, armor, or finely crafted jewelry, and there are those who prefer not to bother with such a frivolous thing as vanity. We will break down the vital aspects of our species and what it entails in the guide below.
Dialect & Commonly Used Terminology


Mawjaw - An insult to somefel by implying they have a gob as big as The Great Maw.
"Shut your mawjaw!"

Halfway Through Heidrun - To imply somefel is lost or dumbfounded.
"She is halfway through Heidrun.. if you know what I mean..!"

Shrine Hugger - An insult placed upon those who are extremely religious or superstitious.
"He's one of those types, you know.. A shrine hugger."

Fangless - To insult somefel for being weak or cowardly.
"He was fangless, stood there cowering!"

Treelicker - To insult somefel and imply they have a screw loose.
"Treelickers! What can you do?"

Thinpelt - To insult somefel by stating they are wimpy and weak.
"You're pathetic, thinpelt!"

Leadpaw - To imply somefel is slow.
"Lets go Leadpaw! You're going to make us late!"

Twolegger - An insult often targeted at anyfel that transformed during Jormungandrs Rise.
"Be gone, Twolegger!"

Halfbreed - An insult targeted at the Hellhounds that were mutated in Helvalla.
"I have no time for you, Halfbreed!"

Common Terminology

A Runes Throw - To Imply something is close/nearby.
"It's only a runes throw!"

Fel in Skoll's Strike - To state somefel was frozen in fear.
"There she was, a Fel in Skoll's Strike."

Spinewalker - Often used to describe anyfel that is commonly spotted within The Spine of Odin. Spinewalkers are known to be fierce and resourceful fel.
"As resourceful as a spinewalker!"

The Fires Lit but No Fel is Home - To imply anyfel is simply not right or blank.. deer in the headlights.
"Ah well, the fire is lit but no fel is home."

Dullpaws - To imply one fel is not well traveled.
"The caves are no place for dullpaws."

Hungry as the Hongerige - To state one is hungry enough to eat every fel on the island whole!
"I'm as hungry as Hongerige!"

Softcoat - To imply somefel is being overly sensitive.
"Don't be so softcoated, I'm only pulling your tail!"

I'd bet my Amulet on it! - To be absolutely certain of something.
"I'm sure of it! I'd even bet my amulet on it!"

Oh For Fenrir's Sake! - To show frustration or to be caught of guard.
"Oh for Fenrir's Sake! Not again!"

A Twig On A Path - To imply something is impossible to find.
"It took me ages! It was like finding a twig on a path!"

For Alpha's Sake! - To imply one is fed up or has had enough.
"Oh for alpha's sake, I'm leaving!"

Helshadow - Referring to somefel who isn't themselves or has had a drastic change to their personality, often has a negative connotation.
"Ever since the breakup, he's like a helshadow. He just...isn't himself anymore."

Clanborn - Referring to somefel who comes across as sophisticated.
"She can smith, hunt, fish, and sail? Sounds like quite the clanborn individual!"

Cherryglow - Characterized as blushing, originated from Bleeding Heart marked Felvargs.
"You're cherryglowing, love. Don't need to be embarrassed about it! She really is pretty."

Serpent's Length Away - A sarcastic expression used to describe how something is incredibly far away. Referring to the Midgard Serpent.
"Ah yes, Jormungandr is just a Serpent's length away! Definitely a day trip for sure."

The Vale's Tales - To tell a fib or white lie. Often used to describe adolescent white lie behavior.
"Are you telling the vale's tales again?"

His/Her words are/were as straight as Helheim's Passages - To imply one is lying.
"He apparently dueled and won against Loki himself, His words were as straight as Helheim's passages!"

While Felvargs may speak the tongue of man to communicate, they still exchange common dialect and terminology for specific exchanges. From insults, greetings, farewells and even every day conversations, the Islands host a large array of native tongue terminology that outsiders might be confused by.

Leacarunic - Leacaruníc - Often referred to as Leaca

Despite speaking the tongue of man, Felvargs also have their own language called Leacarunic. This language can be both written and spoken, and despite being an old language it is still fluidly used by Felvargs even now. While not commonly spoken by the average Felvarg under 400 years of age, older Felvargs were still fluidly being taught this very language, and others come from deities that speaking any language but leaca is forbidden. Felvargs born today often refer to it as the tongue of old.


"May Fenrir Bless You."

"Fenrir Guide You." Often Returned With "Freyja Keep You." Traditionally Only Spoken By Two Felvargs Who Share A True Bond.

"Wind's Favor" Often Spoken By Coastal Felvarg.

"May Yggdrasil's Path Find You Friend." Often Spoken By Valewalkers.

"Fenrir's Favor, Friend."

"Farewell Fel!" Spoken Primarily To Acquaintances.

"May the Alphas Grace The Very Ground You Walk Upon, Friend."

"Hel's Haste Fel."

"May The Great Father Watch Over You."

"Greetings Fel."

"Goodday Fel."

What are they?
Build and coat effect the visual aspect of your Felvargs official import image.

Standard Build
Standard is the most common build there is to find throughout Ulfrheim. They stand sturdy and strong, bigger than any normal direwolf could even imagine to be. Their webbed paws are perfect for swimming, their deft and well toned legs can propel them quickly through even the thickest of brush. Their fur is thick and double layered, allowing most coats to be suited for any climate (excluding the shorter-furred coat typed). These traits are found throughout all other builds as well in varying degrees, but let it be known that the Standard is the “all terrain” build of the species!

  • The average height of a Standard build Felvarg is 130cm - 160cm.
  • The average weight of a Standard Felvarg is between 700 - 800 pounds.
Titan Build
The mighty Titan, the build of Fenrir himself, towers high over all others. Their massive paws carry the weight of their stature, and their shoulders lay broad and heavy. The strength of a Titan’s jaw has been known to snap metal clean in two. Their ear and tails are dwarfed by their overall bulk and, leaving them to appear smaller in size compared to other builds. A Titan’s size can mean nimble maneuvers are more difficult to execute, but with enough focus and dedication anything is possible!

  • The average height of a Titan build Felvarg is 180cm - 230cm.
  • The average weight of a Titan build Felvargs is 900 pounds - 1200 pounds.
Brute Build
Taller than Standards, yet not quite reaching the Titan's stature are Brutes. Brutes are best described as a “short-legged” Titan — they possess the thickness and muscle, but not quite the height of their fellow build. Their necks are long and thick, making them akin to bison in structure. The Brute’s snout is the broadest of all builds, with a wide brow to accompany it and a piercing gaze to top it off. Their large paws yet stocky legs make them especially sturdy on their feet!

  • The average height of a Brute build Felvarg is 165cm - 205cm.
  • The average weight of a Brute build Felvargs is 850 pounds - 1000 pounds.
Dwarf Build
As ittiest and bittiest of the species, the Dwarf is small but mighty! If the Brutes are “short-legged” Titans, then Dwarves are “short-legged” Standards. Their small size makes them perfect for more deft work, allowing them the benefit of enhanced maneuverability. In their face, they share similarities with Brutes: thicker snouts and broad foreheads are a common trait for them. Despite being considerably shorter than the other builds, they maintain a similar range of weight. There’s nothing wrong with being well rounded (literally)!

  • The average height of a Dwarf build Felvarg is between 80cm - 115cm.
  • The average weight of a Dwarf build Felvargs is 650 pounds - 800 pounds.
Gene Mutation: Hellhounds
The Hellhound gene mutation effects each build individually. While their weight and heigh are not altered, Hellhounds are extremely hunched over and their ears point inward. They have large tusks and their front region is far thicker than the normal Felvarg, the distribution in weight being varied. Crafted and genetically created by Loki himself, Hellhounds are strong and thick Felvargs often described as halfbreeds.

A great many actions within our game can effect your Felvarg visually. From Hereditary Physical Mutations, to Blessings, Hereditary Passover, Paints, Backgrounds, Accessories, Scar Kits and similar. Be sure to check out our Design Guide for even more details.
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Felvargs do not follow the traditional housing say, a wolf might have. While some Felvarg may choose to live it rough and find outdoors the way to go, other Felvargs choose to have the more finer things in life. When humans were erased from our islands their housing remained, and as one might expect Felvargs collectively took over each and every village. Felvarg housing can vary from huts, to caves, the forest, dens, even beneath waterfalls where hidden cove’s lay in secret. Every Felvarg has its own unique personality and thought process and so while some may prefer the social aspect of having a hut in the square of Hearth, others prefer isolation within the winding caves. Our Islands have hundreds of detailed locations and each location has its own purpose and landmark.

For example, the Village of Hearth. The Village of Hearth has a great many paths, and those paths each have their own name. Where a Felvarg chooses to live is determined by that Felvarg and that Felvarg alone. Should your Felvarg choose to live in a hut, like the huts displayed in this very guide, these huts can reside either inside a village or even just scattered around the various locations within our world. These huts are personalised by each Felvarg that takes residence in it and officially accepted by the group as a rooted lore location.

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Mating & Courtships
Finding a mate or soulmate is an extremely impactful decision for most Felvargs. Our species experiences an extreme sensitivity to all emotions, including the less desirable emotions. While some Felvargs finding a soulmate is purely to build their pack's roots, other Felvargs may very well be seeking their lifetime companion. Felvargs do not seek a mate or soulmate purely and solely for romantic reasons, it is possible for a Felvarg to platonically find their soulmate in a good friend or even someone they were not expecting. Each Felvarg is capable of finding their soulmate in any gender no matter their own. Once a Felvarg builds a bond with another Felvarg, that bond is a part of the Felvarg for life, even if both Felvargs should go their separate ways. Our species is capable of an indescribable bond that some would argue is unbreakable by even the forces that created our very world.

Even though a Felvarg may be biologically born as say, male, that Felvarg may identify as whatever gender it should so choose. The Felvargs import database will state the biological gender purely for the groups breeding functionality and nothing more.
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Eternal Lifespan
Felvargs live long, enduring lives that span across hundreds, even thousands of years. Age cannot kill a Felvarg, but the harshness of the land or a mortal wound can easily take away what Fenrir has given. Due to their longevity, a Felvarg’s maturity rate is rather slow. While they grow out their bodies at a young age, the mind of a Felvarg takes many years to fully grow into an adult mindset. A simple breakdown of what the lifespan of a Felvarg might look like can be seen below.

  • Young Life (0 to ≈5 years)
    • A Felvarg pup will spend their first few years under the wings of their caretaker/parental figure, dependent on their love and care in order to survive. During these years of life they begin to learn practical motor skills, communication, and begin to gain the experience they will need throughout their life in order to survive. These years are crucial to a Felvarg’s development.
  • Teen Life (≈6 to ≈100 years)
    • The teenage years of a Felvarg can be rough with the ups and downs of discovering one's self and their place in the world, alongside coming into their body and maturity. Growing into one’s paws can take a long while, especially when you’re facing the growing pains of the larger builds! During their teen years is often when a Felvarg finds their craft or calling in life. As the years creep on and a Felvarg learns to fend for themself, they will soon find their way in the world and begin to truly thrive.
  • Adulthood (≈100 years and beyond)
    • This is where a Felvarg will spend most, if not all of their life. Due to the fact that age cannot kill a Felvarg, a Felvarg’s lifespan from this point on is very unique to each individual. Some believe that the more attuned to the magic of the land one is, though, the easier it is to see themselves through the years.
  • Elder (???)
    • Seniority affects all Felvargs differently. As time passes, there are those that wear the years like a badge of honor. Their eyes will droop or their muzzles gray, or the aches will come more often and frequently. However, there are those that the years seem unable to touch, weathering time like water off a duck’s back. More often than not, a Felvarg’s only show of age is through the wisdom that reflects back in their eyes.
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Magical Properties
While not all Felvargs possess magical talents, they are absolutely capable of it. Our species as a whole is very intuitive and extremely diverse. There have been Felvargs who have attuned to a magical path and even explored the elements of our Island with great care. Those brave enough to take this path must be extremely committed and cautious on their journey. Felvargs are extremely sensitive creatures by nature, this translates in a great many ways. Meaning Felvargs can feel emotions more fluidly than most other creatures. They feel a greater intensity for power, pain, love, passion, remorse, hatred and similar. This characteristic trait paired with a Felvarg exploring magical properties or attuning to elements can be a dangerous mix if not met with balance and caution.
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Trades & Skills
Felvargs are extremely versatile and over the thousands of years they have resided on Ulfrheim and the surrounding villages they have learned a great many trades. From herbalists to guardians, Felvargs can perfect a trade and even learn multiple trades. Here are a few different trades we commonly see but users are not at all required to choose from this list and may instead choose a trade of their own creation both existing or completely creatively constructed.

  • Those who are skilled with their paws may choose to be a…
Blacksmith, Healer, Thief/Bandit, Pirate, Chef, Herbalist, Pottery Maker, Wood Carver, Jeweler, Painter, Assassin, Leatherworker, Armorer, Fletch, or Baker.

  • Those magically or spiritually inclined might lean towards being a…
Shaman, Warlock, Priest, Psychic, Witch, Spirit Walker, or Cleric.

  • Those who find their skills in speechcraft, companionship, or leadership might drift towards being a…
Bartender, Captain, Black Market Merchant, Storyteller, or Apothecary.

  • Those who prefer hard, earnest work might find satisfaction in being a…
Huntsman, Fishmonger, Beast Tamer, Farmer, Adventurer, Forager, Carpenter, Rancher, Mercenary, Brewsmith, Sherpa, Beekeeper, Bounty Hunter, Butcher, Guardian/Warden, Grave Keeper, Sailor, Spelunker, Stone Mason, Shepherd, Gladiator, Clay Mason, Miner, or Shipwright.

  • Those who find their powers lying more in their brains than brawns could find themselves as a...
Banker, Alchemist, Astronomer, Tinkerer, Cartographer, Archeologist, Historian, or Librarian.

… and this is only the beginning!
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Language & Communication
In the beginning, Felvargs learned how to communicate through mimicking human speech. As time passed however they began to develop their own dialect and vocabulary, and by the time Man had seen its end the species had created their own tongue entirely. The influence of human speech bleeds through even to today, though, in the cadence and flow. Before the use of tongue, Felvargs communicated entirely nonverbally. As the years waxed and waned, traditional nonverbal speech endured, leaving Felvargs with a beautiful, rich array of visual and verbal language unique to each region.

Felvargs possess great awareness of emotion. It is unproven if this lies in tandem to their magical abilities, but it is a known fact that a Felvarg can share deep emotion by proximity alone. Elders will say that feelings flow through the tendrils of power across Ulfrheim’s expansive crust, a source of which all Felvargs are connected to in one way or another. This shared experience means that while they have the capability of speech, no words are needed in order for a Felvarg to express themself. To most a howl may merely be a howl, but to another Felvarg a single howl can host a great many emotions, and can be both sensed and heard from great distances.

See the 'Dialect' tab above for commonly used insults, termonology and phrases.

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Personality Traits
"Let the RNG gods decide your Felvargs fate!"
Unpredictable - "Onefel who is inconsistent with their behavior."
Abrasive - "Onefel whose actions are driven by hostility with the intent to upset or annoy those around them."
Active - "Onefel who is energetic and always busy."
Adaptable - "Onefel who is quick to adjust their thoughts or behavior in response to changing circumstances."
Admirable - "Onefel admired by those around them."
Adventurous - "Onefel with the spirit to seek out new experiences."
Affectionate - "Onefel with the tendency to demonstrate love and affection towards others."
Aggressive - "Onefel with hostile behavior towards others."
Agreeable - "Onefel who is cooperative, polite, and friendly towards others."
Aloof - "Onefel who is disinterested in the company of other Felvargs."
Ambitious - "Onefel having a strong desire to succeed and achieve one's goals."
Anxious - "Onefel who is highly sensitive to feelings of negativity or unease."
Apathetic - "Onefel unable to emotionally connect with others."
Approachable - "Onefel having a friendly and welcoming demeanor towards others."
Argumentative - "Onefel who appears to revel in the thrill of an argument, often seeking out conflict."
Arrogant - "Onefel that feels strongly of their own importance or skills."
Artistic - "Onefel having a skill or ability in painting, dancing, or musical arts."
Assertive - "Onefel overly confident in their beliefs or goals."
Attentive - "Onefel that pays rather close attention to even minor happenings."
Barbaric - "Onefel whose actions and behaviors are primitive or unsophisticated."
Bewildered - "Onfel in a constant state of confusion."
Blunt - "Onefel who expresses their thoughts and emotions without any consideration for manners."
Bold - "Onefel who demonstrates a fearlessness and assertive nature in their actions and opinions."
Brave - "Onefel with the mental strength to willingly confront a dangerous or difficult situation."
Calculating - "Onefel whose actions are meticulously thought out."
Careful - "Onefel taking great consideration of their actions to avoid mishaps."
Caring - "Onefel displaying a true kindness and concern for those around them."
Cautious - "Onefel who is mindful and careful of their actions."
Charismatic - "Onefel with the natural ability to charm and influence those around them."
Charming - "Onefel whose behavior is pleasant or polite."
Childish (Pupish) - "Onefel displaying mannerisms in tune with a young pup."
Chivalrous - "Onefel who is gallant and honor driven in their behaviors."
Clever - "Onefel's ability to quickly understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas."
Clumsy - "Onefel lacking in skills or grace."
Cold - "Onefel lacking a connection of sympathy for others."
Compassionate - "Onefel with a strong sympathetic connection to others."
Competent - "Onefel that has the necessary skill and knowledge to do something successfully."
Competitive - "Onefel with the desire to compete or succeed above all other desires."
Complacent - "Onefel satisfied with their own abilities and who will not seek to improve."
Conceited - "Onefel that is vain or otherwise excessively proud of themselves."
Confident - "Onefel feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities."
Cooperative - "Onefel who thrives in the collaborative environment."
Courageous - "Onefel determined to stand up and confront a dangerous or difficult situation."
Cowardly - "Onefel who cowers away from a challenge or the unknown."
Crafty - "Onefel who is skillful and clever in their solutions."
Creative - "Onefel having an artistic and innovative mindset."
Critical - "Onefel who frequently criticizes others."
Cultured - "Onefel who is well-educated and who conducts themselves with sophistication."
Cunning - "Onefel calculating in their thoughts and behavior."
Curious - "Onefel who frequently seeks out knowledge of the world around them."
Daring - "Onefel who frequently and willingly exposes themselves to danger."
Deceitful - "Onefel who is capable of misleading others with lies and false claims."
Deceptive - "Onefel whose intentions are misleading."
Decisive - "Onefel who is confident in their decisions."
Destructive - "Onefel whose actions often cause irreparable harm or destruction."
Determined - "Onefel who possesses a strong sense of purpose."
Devious - "Onefel calculating in a deceitful manner."
Disciplined - "Onefel displaying a controlled and intentional behavior."
Discreet - "Onefel conducting themselves carefully in order to avoid detection."
Dishonest - "Onefel that is not entirely truthful or honest frequently."
Disorderly - "Onefel who cares not for order and in doing so lacks organization."
Disruptive - "Onefel that tends to cause disruption even unintentionally."
Distracted - "Onefel unable to focus given their attention is often drawn away."
Dominating - "Onefel who demonstrates assertive and decisive behavior. "
Dramatic - "Onefel outwardly displaying an overexaggerated response."
Dreamer - "Onefel with their head in the clouds."
Dull - "Onefel who lacks interest or drive."
Easygoing - "Onefel who is more relaxed and casual in behavior."
Eccentric - "Onefel lacking in conventional behavior."
Educated - "Onefel who has studied and gained knowledge in one or more subjects."
Egotistic - "Onefel who's opinion of themselves is greater than anyfel else."
Elegant - "Onefel conducting themselves in a graceful and stylish manner."
Emotional - "Onefel having and expressing strong feelings."
Empathetic - "Onefel who is in tune with the emotions of everyfel around them."
Energetic - "Onefel with an overwhelming and constant amount of energy."
Enigmatic - "Onefel who shields their true thoughts, motives, or intentions from others making them difficult to understand or predict."
Enthusiastic - "Onefel with an overwhelming amount of eagerness and positivity."
Erratic - "Onefel that behaves unpredictably and explosively."
Ethical - "Onefel that has moral principles or knowledge in regards to those principles."
Explosive - "Onefel displaying a frequent pattern of sudden outburst of anger."
Expressive - "Onefel who outwardly displays their emotions with enthusiasm."
Fair - "Onefel that is known to be equal and fair in every approach."
Faithful - "Onefel displaying strong loyalties in relationships or beliefs."
Fickle - "Onefel unable to commit to their opinion, feeling, or even decisions often changing them frequently."
Fierce - "Onefel that displays an intense ferociousness or aggression."
Firm - "Onfel unwavering in their purpose or opinions."
Flirty - "Onefel outwardly expressing feelings of attraction towards others."
Focused - "Onefel able to give their attention to a single task while ignoring outside stimuli."
Forgetful - "Onefel who has a difficulty remembering things."
Forgiving - "Onefel who is more inclined to forgive."
Formal - "Onefel who has a very specific etiquette suitable for a more important setting."
Forthright - "Onefel who is direct and honest in their communications."
Friendly - "Onefel who is kind towards others."
Generous - "Onefel offering help above and beyond onefel's expectations."
Gentle - "Onefel displaying a kind and tender temperament."
Genuine - "Onefel true to themselves."
Giving - "Onefel preferring to tend to others needs without the expectation of returned favors."
Glamorous - "Onefel that is known for their exotic or daringly bold and exciting lifestyle."
Gloomy - "Onefel that is displaying signs of sorrow or distress."
Gluttonous - "Onefel that overindulges in food."
Graceful - "Onefel with elegant behavior and mannerisms."
Greedy - "Onefel that has an intense desire for something of wealth or power."
Grumpy - "Onefel having a constant negative and irritable attitude."
Gullible - "Onefel more easily affected by deceit."
Hardworking - "Onefel who is resilient and driven in regard to their work."
Helpful - "Onefel offering help towards others."
Heroic - "Onefel demonstrating courageous acts when confronted with danger."
Honest - "Onefel displaying a sense of integrity and who is trustworthy."
Hostile - "Onefel that is antagonistic and unfriendly in nature."
Hot Headed - "Onefel who is easily angered or agitated."
Humble - "Onefel viewing others as equal despite individual accomplishments or talents."
Humorous - "Onefel whose presence often results in infectious laughter."
Hypnotic - "Onefel who visually appears in a trance or blank."
Ignorant - "Onefel lacking in knowledge or general awareness."
Imaginative - "Onefel whose creative mind is filled with original and inventive ideas."
Impatient - "Onefel lacking in patience."
Impractical - "Onefel who lacks common sense."
Impressionable - "Onefel that is easily influenced by those around them."
Impulsive - "Onefel acting without any forethought or consideration to the consequences of their actions."
Indecisive - "Onefel who is not confident in their decisions."
Independent - "Onefel without need of another's assistance."
Innovative - "Onefel with new ideas that solve problems in a creative way."
Inquisitive - "Onefel whose curiosity leads them to seek our information or knowledge."
Insecure - "Onefel that is often anxious and uncertain."
Insensitive - "Onefel whose actions and behaviors show no concern for others."
Insightful - "Onefel with an accurate and deep understanding of the world around them."
Insincere - "Onefel expressing feelings that are not genuine."
Intelligent - "Onefel with a strong understanding and vast knowledge."
Intense - "Onefel having a wide spectrum of emotions, often taken to the extreme."
Intuitive - "Onefel with an uncanny ability to instinctively know and understand without any proof or evidence."
Inventive - "Onefel being creative and having the ability to create various things effortlessly."
Irrational - "Onefel whose thinking is without logical reason."
Irresponsible - "Onefel outwardly displaying a lack of responsibility."
Irritable - "Onefel displaying signs of irritation, being annoyed or easily made angry."
Jealous - "Onfel that is easily triggered emotionally and envious of others."
Kind - "Onefel known for being gentle and giving."
Lazy - "Onefel lacking in motivation to exert any energy."
Likable - "Onefel that is friendly, approachable, and easily welcomed by otherfel."
Logical - "Onefel using knowledge and reasoning in their daily interactions and decisions."
Loyal - "Onefel giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to another Felvarg or pack."
Malicious - "Onefel displaying behaviors that are in malice, or otherwise intend to do harm."
Mannered - "Onefel outwardly displaying pretentious and proper behavior."
Mannerless - "Onefel that lacks common courtesies or common manners."
Materialistic - "Onefel who values items and property above all else."
Mature - "Onefel that is mentally capable of being level headed and responsive."
Mellow - "Onefel devoid of any tension, they are often very relaxed and easygoing."
Messy - "Onefel who is disorderly and untidy."
Methodical - "Onefel that is drawn to an orderly or systematic approach."
Miserable - "Onefel with an intense unhappiness."
Modest - "Onefel who expresses their abilities and accomplishments moderately and in a more humble manner."
Moody - "Onefel with unpredictable bouts of sullenness or gloomy behavior."
Morose - "Onefel tending to have a more gloomy or ill-tempered attitude."
Mysterious - "Onefel whose behavior is unexplained and shrouded in mystery."
Naive - "Onefel that is innocent and lacking experience and wisdom."
Narcissistic - "Onefel with an unreasonably high sense of self-importance."
Narrow Minded - "Onefel that is not open to understanding otherfel's views should they not align with their own."
Nervous - "Onefel who anxiously overthinks situations or second-guesses their own actions."
Neutral - "Onefel that is easy-going and indifferent, disconnected from strong opinion."
Noble - "Onefel demonstrating a higher code of conduct and moral compass."
Nonchalant - "Onefel outwardly appearing calm and relaxed simply because they can not be bothered to care."
Obedient - "Onefel with unquestionable compliance with orders and rules that they are given."
Obnoxious - "Onefel whose presence is unpleasant, aggressive, or offensive."
Observant - "Onefel who is quick to take notice of their surroundings."
Obsessive - "Onefel intently focusing on one particular event, object, or Felvarg."
Optimistic - "Onefel being hopeful and expecting good outcomes."
Organized - "Onefel who is naturally neat and detail-oriented."
Ostentatious - "Onefel who outwardly seeks to impress or otherwise gain envy of everyfel else."
Outspoken - "Onefel whose mouth is quick to verbalize onefel's opinions or criticisms without concern for anyfel else."
Paranoid - "Onefel obsessively distrusting of everyfel else."
Particular - "Onefel that prefers things be done a very specific way."
Passionate - "Onefel whose desires and emotions are overwhelmingly strong."
Passive - "Onefel lacking in influence or reaction in any given situation."
Patient - "Onefel displaying tolerance and kindness in the face of the hardships that they encounter."
Peaceful - "Onefel spreading a sense of peace and calmness to others."
Perfectionist - "Onefel who accepts nothing but absolute perfection."
Persistent - "Onefel who seeks their desires despite any obstacles they may face."
Persuasive - "Onefel whose words persuade somefel to believe something or act in a certain manner."
Pessimistic - "Onefel having a strong belief that the worst outcome will happen."
Petty - "Onefel unnecessarily unkind for reasons that are trivial."
Placid - "Onefel who remains calm and is not easily angered."
Polite - "Onefel who maintains respectful and considerate behavior towards others."
Positive - "Onefel maintaining a positive outlook in any given situation."
Possessive - "Onefel believing that otherfel's attention belongs solely to them."
Practical - "Onefel whose mindset is grounded in logic."
Predictable - "Onefel who is consistent with their behavior."
Productive - "Onefel whose work ethic consistently produces good results."
Profound - "Onefel with great knowledge and understanding of serious matters."
Protective - "Onefel who desires to protect another, even at the detriment of themselves."
Proud - "Onefel who takes pride in their position, lineage, or accomplishments."
Punctual - "Onefel that is always on time."
Purposeful - "Onefel that does something with intention, to achieve a specific outcome."
Quiet - "Onefel tending to keep to themselves and who speaks rarely."
Rational - "Onefel that follows a code of reason or logic."
Reactive - "Onefel that acts impulsively to a situation."
Realistic - "Onefel that has a practical approach of what can be achieved or even expected."
Reclusive - "Onefel who prefers to withdraw from society and live a life of solitude."
Reflective - "Onefel that observes and contemplates the mysteries of the world around them."
Reliable - "Onefel that can be relied on effortlessly to do as they say they will."
Reserved - "Onefel with the desire to keep their emotions and opinions to themselves."
Resourceful - "Onefel that easily finds clever and quick solutions to overcome difficulties with ease."
Respectful - "Onefel that honors and respects anyfel they encounter."
Restless - "Onefel that displays the inability to rest due to boredom or anxiety."
Ritualistic - "Onefel who embraces rituals of worshiping somefel, something or some place."
Romantic - "Onefel that takes delight in displaying acts of love or an expression of romance."
Rude - "Onefel that behaves impolitely, offensively or even ill-mannered."
Rustic - "Onefel preferring to live a simple life."
Ruthless - "Onefel lacking in compassion for anyfel else."
Sage - "Onefel that is profoundly wise beyond their years."
Sanctimonious - "Onefel that is morally superior towards otherfel."
Sarcastic - "Onefel insulting or otherwise using irony to mock somefel."
Scholarly - "Onefel with an affinity for knowledge."
Secretive - "Onefel who intentionally hides one's thoughts, actions or intentions from others."
Self-centered - "Onefel who focuses purely on their own desires, needs, and problems."
Self-Disciplined - "Onefel able to control their feelings, and overcome a weakness or goal that presents itself."
Self-Reliant - "Onefel that relies predominantly on oneself rather than the reliability of others."
Self-Sufficient - "Onefel that requires no help from an outside source to meet their basic needs."
Selfish - "Onefel who cares more for themselves than for the Felvargs around them."
Selfless - "Onefel who cares more for the needs of the Felvargs around them than their own needs."
Sensitive - "Onefel that is quick to notice and respond to very slight changes, signals or influences from otherfel."
Sentimental - "Onefel finding sentiment and becoming nostalgic over something, somefel, or some place."
Serene - "Onefel who exhibits a sense of inner peace and appears calm when faced with challenges. "
Serious - "Onefel that demands careful consideration to topics they deem worthy."
Shallow - "Onefel's lack of depth in one's feelings, thoughts or knowledge."
Shrewd - "Onefel that quickly judges a situation and accurately uses it to their advantage, often at the disregard of their morals."
Shy - "Somefel who is sensitive, nervous or timid."
Sincere - "Onefel who is transparent and honest with their intentions."
Skeptical - "Onefel who frequently casts doubt."
Skillful - "Onefel that has an inarguable skill in varied fields."
Sly - "Onefel that can be seen as cunning or even deceitful in nature."
Sociable - "Onefel that finds engaging with otherfel easy and natural."
Solemn - "Onefel who is very serious and formal in their behavior or expressions."
Solitary - "Onefel with the preference to be alone."
Sophisticated - "Onefel with a great deal of experiences, knowledge, and wisdom."
Spiritual - "Onefel in deep connection to nature and its inhabitants."
Spontaneous - "Onefel that takes pleasure from any actions done without prior planning or structure."
Steadfast - "Onefel that is unwavering and firm in a dutifully way."
Stoic - "Onefel who withholds an outward display of emotions."
Strong - "Onefel that is able to handle a great force or pressure applied upon them."
Stubborn - "Onefel who is unreasonably determined to hold their viewpoint or attitude regardless of outside influence."
Submissive - "Onefel that is passive and prefers to remain neutral in any environment that demands bravery."
Subtle - "Somefel that uses indirect methods to make a point or achieve something."
Supportive - "Onefel who provides great encouragement or assistance to others."
Suspicious - "Onefel whose behavior is questionable, causing everyfel around them to cast speculation on their intentions."
Sweet - "Onefel that is described as delightful or pleasingly delicate."
Sympathetic - "Somefel that displays and expresses sympathy towards others."
Teacherly - "Onefel that enjoys the act of teaching another Felvarg something new."
Tense - "Onefel that is frequently on edge or even displaying anxiety or nervousness."
Thievish - "Onefel that enjoys the act of thrifting or stealing something."
Tidy - "Onefel that prefers things be arranged in a neat and purposeful order."
Timid - "Onefel who lacks courage or self-confidence."
Tolerant - "Onefel willing to accept the beliefs, opinions, and behaviors of otherfels despite not necessarily agreeing with them."
Traditional - "Onefel acting in a more customary behavior in accordance with tradition. "
Transparent - "Onefel who does not withhold their thoughts or emotions."
Troublesome - "Onefel often causing difficult problems."
Trusting - "Onefel believing that otherfel are good and trustworthy by default."
Trustworthy - "Onefel who is reliable, dependable, and overall worthy of onefel's trust."
Unappreciative - "Onefel who does not recognize nor appreciate the value of somefel or something."
Understanding - "Onefel with the tendency to understand otherfel's emotions or perspectives."
Unfaithful - "Onefel whose loyalties are unreliable."
Unfriendly - "Onefel uninterested in forming bonds of any kind with otherfel."
Unreliable - "Onefel who is not dependable."
Vague - "Onefel often unclear in their communications with otherfel."
Vain - "Onefel who has an exceptionally high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth."
Venturesome - "Onefel willing to embark on any journey despite the risks that it might hold."
Versatile - "Onefel who can easily adapt to any surrounding or situation."
Vivacious - "Onefel who is particularly energetic and enthusiastic."
Vulgar - "Onefel outwardly displaying an intense and offensive behavior."
Vulnerable - "Onefel unable to protect themselves against physical or emotional pain."
Watchful - "Onefel in a constant state of high alert, often scanning their surroundings for potential dangers or opportunities."
Weak - "Onefel mentally or physically unable to perform the simplest of tasks."
Willful - "Onefel with an obstinate determination for things to happen their way."
Wise - "Onefel with good judgment, often supported by a vast amount of experience or knowledge."
Wishful - "Onefel expressing an intense desire and hope in a particular outcome."
Withdrawn - "Onefel disinterested in interactions with otherfel."
Witty - "Onefel with quick and clever humor."
Youthful - "Onefel who is or aspires to remain young."
Zany - "Onefel who behaves similarly to a clown or fool."
How Felvargs Came to Be..
Laws by Order of the Island

Crimes Punishable by Law (Ulfrheim)

All laws laid out are punishable by banishment and/or death. Felvargs caught breaking these laws will be subject to a trial for their crimes, judgement casted by all revered Alphas during a public hearing that takes place within The Great Maw.

  • HARM - It is punishable by order of the Island for any Felvarg to cause unnecessary harm to any other Felvarg unprovoked.

  • MURDER - It is punishable by order of the Island for any Felvarg to kill another Felvarg in cold blood.

  • PUPNAPPING - It is punishable by order of the Island for any Felvarg to steal or pupnap any adolescent Felvarg younger than 100 years.

  • THEFT - It is punishable by order of the Island for any Felvarg to openly steal the contents of another Felvargs belongings.

  • DEFACING - It is punishable by order of the Island for any Felvarg to be caught defacing or defiling any Shrine within the Shrine of Ragnarok and/or Shrine of Freyja.

  • DISRESPECT - It is punishable by order of the Island to turn onefels back on The Great Father, Fenrir, with disrespect.

  • DARK MAGIC - It is punishable by order of the Island to practice any form of dark magic or malevolent sorcery when that magic involves dark forces or sacrifices.

  • CANNIBALISM - It is punishable by the order of the Island to consume meat, when its origin is that of another Felvarg.

  • BEAST SLAYING - It is punishable by the order of the Island to bring on death to any Beast that is deemed revered. All revered beasts fall under the protection of The Trinity due to their purpose.

  • BETRAYAL - It is punishable by the order of the Island to deface or display disrespect to the Seat of the Alpha. All Felvargs caught committing such a crime will be outcasted and punished by death, which will be offered in the shape of a bounty anyfel can complete.

  • DISDAIN - It is punishable by the order of the Island to outwardly treat any Alpha with disrespect.

  • REBEL - It is punishable by the order of the Island to attempt to create an army worthy of overthrowing the natural hierarchy order. Felvargs caught involving themselves in a rebellion will be banished from the Island and subjected to swim through Hongerige in search of land far too large of a distance to achievably locate.

Laws Upheld by Villages (Ulfrheim)

Upheld by each village respectively. Felvargs caught breaking these laws will banished from the village in question. Duration dependent on the severity of ones crimes.

Village of Hearth

Punishable by Banishment no Felvarg may;

  • Toss any form of currency within the wishing well that is stationed in the center point of the village.

  • Walk the paths of Hearth after dusk without a suitable light source.

  • Wear a hood shielding anyfels face and/or eyes while walking through the village Market Square.

  • Commit any form of piratry anywhere in the village that is not the Docks of Hearth.

  • Walk into anyfels hut without explicit welcome.

  • Tampering with anyfels anchor while docked within the village docks.

  • Stowing oneself away in anyfels boat or cargo.

Village of Reynir

Punishable by Banishment no Felvarg may;

  • Fish within the docks waters without an appropriate license to do so.

  • Touch any fishing pole that does not belong to onefels self. Even if left unattended.

  • Howl on the docks in any form after dusk. Rumors say howling on the docks after dusk will disrupt Hrungnir's slumber and encourage him to unleash fury on the village.

  • Enter anyfels hut without explicit welcome.

  • Tampering with anyfels anchor while docked within the village docks.

Village of Skalaness

Punishable by Banishment no Felvarg may;

  • Taste test any crop that has not been offered by its cropmaster, or otherwise grown by onefels two paws.

  • Nap upon any crop both under onefels ownership or not.

  • Use the bridge to pass from Bardr to Skalaness after dusk.

  • Release oneself within 100ft or on any crop planted within the village walls.

  • Build a fire within the village walls that is not in the village center or indoors.

  • Practice any form of blessing or magic to make anyfels crop more bountiful.

Village of Bardr

Punishable by Banishment no Felvarg may;

  • Say aloud neither Loki nor Hel’s name while in a brothel or pub.

  • Use the bridge to pass from Bardr to Skalaness after dusk.

  • Plant any seed from any tree with an origin of The Path of Valhalla. These magical trees are said to seed and repopulate by the dozens within’ mere days.

  • Fish while perched upon the docks parallel to The Seat of the Alpha. Fish that swim within this very lake under the protection of Bardr. Felvargs may however fish from streams connected to the body of water.

  • Deface the totem that stands within the center of the Village. This totem is blessed, warding the Village from vigilante blood magic practicing sorcerers that reside on the peaks of Haldor’s Pass.

Village of Sandfel

Punishable by Banishment no Felvarg may;

  • Smash pottery within the village that has been crafted by its locals.

  • Publicly discard Island grown fruits or vegetables in any way, outside of discarding them within a nearby stream.

  • Enter anyfels hut without explicit welcome.

  • Craft any pottery within the village walls using any water not freshly scooped from Lake Lysa.

  • Bury any items with magical qualities within the village grounds.

  • Build any hut without a North facing window to honor The Seat of the Alpha’s Shrine.

Imprinting & Soulmates

The Basics

What is Imprinting?

Imprinting is what two Felvargs do when they are fated to one another. These two Felvargs are then referred to as Soulmates. The action in itself is involuntary and no one Felvarg has a say in who they imprint on. It is said the roots of Yggdrasil decide and when any Felvarg is born, the very tree of life itself springs a fresh root that then coils around another root, fating the two together for life. Imprinted Felvargs are said to be linked by something far deeper than knowledge and often fated Felvargs are said to be connected on a far more intricate level than two well acquainted Felvargs. It is said that even while apart, two soulmated Felvargs can feel the emotions that their united pair feels in that moment to an overwhelming degree.


    A Felvarg can share a close space with its soulmate for hundreds of years and have no indication the two are imprinted. Fables say at some point either during an exchange with the fated pair, or even in a dream long before the pair have met, the Felvarg will experience a memorable interaction that will be burned into its memory. This interaction can be a vision of the Felvarg, a smell, a taste or even a location. While extremely rare, an imprint can be triggered the moment two Felvargs meet and Felvargs often find this imprint rather jarring.


    Wise and knowledgeable Felvargs do nothing more than cast judgment on what imprinting is and what having a soulmate really means. No onefel truly understands the deeper meaning behind these strong pulls that fate two Felvargs together eternally. Those who have experienced imprinting often say they experience the trigger in the shape of deja vu and only in this moment do they realize the Felvarg before them is their Soulmate.


    Felvargs can imprint for a magnitude of reasons and while romantically driven is most frequently what happens, it is not uncommon for Felvargs to imprint platonically, forging a bond that cannot be severed. Felvargs cannot choose who they imprint on and equally this imprint cannot be voided or manipulated with even the darkest of magic the Island has to offer.


    Each Felvarg has its own purpose and path, those fated to them are said to play an intricate role in that Felvargs happiness, purpose and balance. It is said that a Felvarg without a soulmate, that should perish will be reincarnated and force their fated other to do the same until like their roots, the two intertwine. These rumors, however speculative, are taught to all Felvargs at a young age.


    The location in which these imprintings happen are endless, there is no way to encourage or otherwise force an imprint to happen. Felvargs must simply follow their path in hopes that fate will bring the two together.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a compiled list of frequently asked or otherwise useful questions involving both soulmates and imprinting.

  • Are all soulmated Felvargs romantically involved?
  • No, imprinting can happen to Felvargs that are romantically involved, platonic, or even their own flesh and blood. There are no bounds nor limitations to what two Felvargs will imprint.

  • Does gender matter during imprinting?
  • No, any two Felvargs can be imprinted regardless of relation, or gender.

  • Is it possible for one only side to imprint?
  • Yes, while it is possible for only one Felvarg to experience the imprinting process given the two experience it separately, the two Felvargs are still imprinted.

  • Is it possible to never encounter your soulmate?
  • Yes, while extremely rare it is possible. With that being said fables say the two Felvargs will be reincarnated should one perish until fate is aligned.

  • Is it possible to have a soulmate yet that soulmate not be the fated pair?
  • Yes, commonly Felvargs will assume somefel is their soulmate, only later to discover they were incorrect.

  • Is there a celebration that follows the discovery of two Felvargs determining they are soulmates?
  • Each Felvarg celebrates this realization differently.

  • Do some villages have their own traditions to imprinting discovery?
  • Yes, each village has various traditions on how they celebrate two Felvargs imprinting.

  • Is it soulmates at first sight?
  • Yes and No. Each soulmated pair is unique and when they figure out they are soulmates is entirely and equally unique. It can be immediate, or even take hundreds of years.

  • Can imprinting be broken?
  • No. Even if two Felvargs part ways, fate will continue to attempt to reunite them.

  • Can imprints be manipulated by magic or similiar?
  • No, and those who try have been punished by fate in the shape of karma. While some dark magics are said to exist, they come with a grave cost.

  • Is there something that exists that might lead one Felvarg to its soulmate?
  • Yes, fate will often try to guide somefel to its pair.

  • What happens if one side of an imprint dies before or after imprinting takes place?
  • It is said the two Felvargs will be reincarnated until fate aligns them.

  • Can a Felvarg deny the imprinting?
  • Yes, but it will not stop fate from attempting to unite the two Felvargs in question, nor will the imprint dissipate.

  • Can an imprint be something a Felvarg fakes?
  • Yes, not all Felvargs will experience the imprint at the same time as their fated pair. A Felvarg could pretend to have imprinted on another Felvarg.

  • Can an imprint fade with time?
  • No, imprints are bound at birth, before a Felvarg takes even its first breath. Time only makes this bond stronger and more powerful.

  • Are imprints and soulmates open to interpretation?
  • Yes, these bonds can manifest in a vast magnitude of ways. Each unique to the Felvarg. In our lore for example, Loki sees Aurora for hundreds of years and in that time tries to kill her multiple times. Yet when Aurora is about to meet her end in one of the great wars for the Crescent Throne, Loki kills one of his own lackies to save Aurora from her final blow, which would have ended her life. Moments prior to this happening, Loki envisioned this final strike, and it was at this moment he knew Aurora was his Soulmate.

  • Is it a cultural expectation for a Felvarg to find its soulmate?
  • Yes, all Felvargs are taught at a young age about imprinting and what it means.

  • Is there any prejudice against having offspring outside of your soulmated/imprinted pair?
  • No, given imprinting can be entirely platonic, it frees these judgements from a traditional romantic setting.

Dialect & Commonly Used Terminology


Mawjaw - An insult to somefel by implying they have a gob as big as The Great Maw.
"Shut your mawjaw!"

Halfway Through Heidrun - To imply somefel is lost or dumbfounded.
"She is halfway through Heidrun.. if you know what I mean..!"

Shrine Hugger - An insult placed upon those who are extremely religious or superstitious.
"He's one of those types, you know.. A shrine hugger."

Fangless - To insult somefel for being weak or cowardly.
"He was fangless, stood there cowering!"

Treelicker - To insult somefel and imply they have a screw loose.
"Treelickers! What can you do?"

Thinpelt - To insult somefel by stating they are wimpy and weak.
"You're pathetic, thinpelt!"

Leadpaw - To imply somefel is slow.
"Lets go Leadpaw! You're going to make us late!"

Twolegger - An insult often targeted at anyfel that transformed during Jormungandrs Rise.
"Be gone, Twolegger!"

Halfbreed - An insult targeted at the Hellhounds that were mutated in Helvalla.
"I have no time for you, Halfbreed!"

Common Terminology

A Runes Throw - To Imply something is close/nearby.
"It's only a runes throw!"

Fel in Skoll's Strike - To state somefel was frozen in fear.
"There she was, a Fel in Skoll's Strike."

Spinewalker - Often used to describe anyfel that is commonly spotted within The Spine of Odin. Spinewalkers are known to be fierce and resourceful fel.
"As resourceful as a spinewalker!"

The Fires Lit but No Fel is Home - To imply anyfel is simply not right or blank.. deer in the headlights.
"Ah well, the fire is lit but no fel is home."

Dullpaws - To imply one fel is not well traveled.
"The caves are no place for dullpaws."

Hungry as the Hongerige - To state one is hungry enough to eat every fel on the island whole!
"I'm as hungry as Hongerige!"

Softcoat - To imply somefel is being overly sensitive.
"Don't be so softcoated, I'm only pulling your tail!"

I'd bet my Amulet on it! - To be absolutely certain of something.
"I'm sure of it! I'd even bet my amulet on it!"

Oh For Fenrir's Sake! - To show frustration or to be caught of guard.
"Oh for Fenrir's Sake! Not again!"

A Twig On A Path - To imply something is impossible to find.
"It took me ages! It was like finding a twig on a path!"

For Alpha's Sake! - To imply one is fed up or has had enough.
"Oh for alpha's sake, I'm leaving!"

Helshadow - Referring to somefel who isn't themselves or has had a drastic change to their personality, often has a negative connotation.
"Ever since the breakup, he's like a helshadow. He just...isn't himself anymore."

Clanborn - Referring to somefel who comes across as sophisticated.
"She can smith, hunt, fish, and sail? Sounds like quite the clanborn individual!"

Cherryglow - Characterized as blushing, originated from Bleeding Heart marked Felvargs.
"You're cherryglowing, love. Don't need to be embarrassed about it! She really is pretty."

Serpent's Length Away - A sarcastic expression used to describe how something is incredibly far away. Referring to the Midgard Serpent.
"Ah yes, Jormungandr is just a Serpent's length away! Definitely a day trip for sure."

The Vale's Tales - To tell a fib or white lie. Often used to describe adolescent white lie behavior.
"Are you telling the vale's tales again?"

His/Her words are/were as straight as Helheim's Passages - To imply one is lying.
"He apparently dueled and won against Loki himself, His words were as straight as Helheim's passages!"

While Felvargs may speak the tongue of man to communicate, they still exchange common dialect and terminology for specific exchanges. From insults, greetings, farewells and even every day conversations, the Islands host a large array of native tongue terminology that outsiders might be confused by.


"May Fenrir Bless You."

"Fenrir Guide You." Often Returned With "Freyja Keep You." Traditionally Only Spoken By Two Felvargs Who Share A True Bond.

"Wind's Favor" Often Spoken By Coastal Felvarg.

"May Yggdrasil's Path Find You Friend." Often Spoken By Valewalkers.

"Fenrir's Favor, Friend."

"Farewell Fel!" Spoken Primarily To Acquaintances.

"May the Alphas Grace The Very Ground You Walk Upon, Friend."

"Hel's Haste Fel."

"May The Great Father Watch Over You."

"Greetings Fel."

"Goodday Fel."