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Markings are not optional, your Felvarg must utilize all markings present on its genostring.
Helpful Tips
Each marking has an active and dominant possibility. Dominant means the marking will always pass when bred and can even sometimes change what the marking looks like. Active simply means it must be present. We will show you an example using the marking 'Highlight'.
Each marking has specific guidelines so be sure to Ctrl-F and search for the marking you are creating.
Markings ranges are a guideline and not a strict ruleset, so long as your general placement is there and not abusive you will find a smooth sail experience during approvals.
When we say a marking must be natural to your base coat color, we deem the following natural markings safe across the board: Silver, Cream, Brown, Black, White
A soft edge simply means it has been smoothed out entirely into the design, Highlight is a good example of this termonology. A hard edge can have various brush edges, it just has to have a definitive marking edge. Marking Edge Example
Selecting good marking colors? Be mindful that when selecting your base coat color this will effect the allowance of colors displayed on your Felvargs markings. While disregarding your base coat color we consider the following colors equally as natural as the colors immediately surrounding your chosen base: brown, silver, black, and cream. They are natural throughout, but players should be mindful not to consume their Felvarg in shades that stray too far from their base itself. Should a player choose to use the 4 natural colors, they should be mindful that no more than 25% of their design is covered by markings not immediately relevant to their base. This means if your Felvarg is Cream (Cr) 75%+ or more of your Felvarg should be in shades of cream equally. See a live example on how you might choose safe marking colors while designing your Felvarg here.
When a Legendary Modifier is present and chosen to effect the base coat color, and 1 other marking, designers may then choose to pick the remaining marking colors from the true base coat color swatch optionally to use on any remaining markings. This means all markings using the true base coat color should originate from the swatch provided.
Need to download the official PSD to design on? You can find it here alongside your base coat color swatches.
Active Example: Hl
Dominant Example: HL
Each marking has specific guidelines so be sure to Ctrl-F and search for the marking you are creating.
Markings ranges are a guideline and not a strict ruleset, so long as your general placement is there and not abusive you will find a smooth sail experience during approvals.
When we say a marking must be natural to your base coat color, we deem the following natural markings safe across the board: Silver, Cream, Brown, Black, White
Unnatural colors are fine provided your base coat color too is an unnatural shade, and the colors used are considered natural and relevant to your base coat color.
A soft edge simply means it has been smoothed out entirely into the design, Highlight is a good example of this termonology. A hard edge can have various brush edges, it just has to have a definitive marking edge. Marking Edge Example
Selecting good marking colors? Be mindful that when selecting your base coat color this will effect the allowance of colors displayed on your Felvargs markings. While disregarding your base coat color we consider the following colors equally as natural as the colors immediately surrounding your chosen base: brown, silver, black, and cream. They are natural throughout, but players should be mindful not to consume their Felvarg in shades that stray too far from their base itself. Should a player choose to use the 4 natural colors, they should be mindful that no more than 25% of their design is covered by markings not immediately relevant to their base. This means if your Felvarg is Cream (Cr) 75%+ or more of your Felvarg should be in shades of cream equally. See a live example on how you might choose safe marking colors while designing your Felvarg here.
When a Legendary Modifier is present and chosen to effect the base coat color, and 1 other marking, designers may then choose to pick the remaining marking colors from the true base coat color swatch optionally to use on any remaining markings. This means all markings using the true base coat color should originate from the swatch provided.
Need to download the official PSD to design on? You can find it here alongside your base coat color swatches.
Active: Ae | Dominant: AE
Aether Rules
No Minimum Requirement, Aether must simply be present.
Fields in blue are optional and display the maximum allowance for the marking.
Aether has a general placement position, meaning within reason the marking may be shifted in each area it is present provided it digests as intended.
Aether is a symmetrical marking.
Aether may have breaks.
Aether is a solid marking and should have no holes within the marking.
Aether in each area it is used in, must consist of a solid single patch.
The gradiented portion of Aether must be in the direction the marking visual declares.
The specs breaking free from Aether must hug the gradiented markings edge.
Aether should consist of a single color natural to the base coat color.
The specs breaking free from Aether must be the same color chosen for the markings main body.
Active: Bc | Dominant: BC
Bicolored Rules
Bi-colored in its minimum form must be present with noticable coverage between the chosen two colors from the swatch.
Both Bicolored colors should come from the same swatch.
Patches should be 10% or larger and can have various patches.
The second color with free placement must appear in large(ish) areas and cannot replicate any other markings or have holes in it. It is solid throughout.
Bicolored is a symmetrical marking.
Good Examples
Active: Mo | Dominant: MO
Mosaic Rules
In its minimum form Mosaic must cover at least 60% of your Felvarg (Maximum 90%).
Mosaic must be a shade of black and while it does not need to come from the provided swatch, it should remain fluidly similar.
Mosaic creates an effect similar to that of Pinto, except it turns the coat a shade of black.
Mosaic is an asymmetrical marking.
Mosaic can have breaks but cannot have holes within the marking itself. It should remain solid throughout.
Dominant Mosaic can now have a 10% - 90% coverage allowance.
Mosaic present will allow for the Felvarg to have blue chow flesh and automatically allows for an eye mutation (Optional), should you choose to add blue chow it will then be hereditary to all direct offspring.
Good Examples
Active: Rv | Dominant: RV
Reversal Rules
When your geno has reversal it MUST flip the markings to what is usually the illegal ranges, if reversal ranges are present on their respective guides.
Reversal does not alter the marking or base colors.
Reversal does not effect free white or free black!
Reversal does not effect anything but the markings.
Check each individual marking to see if/how Reversal interacts with it.
Active: Eth | Dominant: ETH
Ethereal Rules
No Minimum Requirement, Ethereal must simply be present. Be cautious not to consume your entire design with thick coverage so that markings cannot be color picked consistently.
Ethereal can be any color lighter or darker but natural to your base coat, including white and black.
Ethereal consists of 1 color.
Ethereal should be star like in size and nature.
Be cautious not to isolate Ethereal to lighter markings like Highlight which will mimic other hereditary markers like Helix.
Direct descendants of Nightfall, Herald of Twilight #6666 may use Ethereal freely.
Active: Bl | Dominant: BL
Blessed Rules
Blessed is a marking/base coat modifier. It alters two or more markings (base included) to the chosen swatch set.
In its minimum form Blessed must cover 2 or more markings (base included).
Free White and Black are not effected by Blessed.
While you may come off swatch to any natural shade to your base coat color, you should remain within the correct hue of your chosen base coat color.
If Blessed is present with Sunkissed, Moonkissed, and/or Tainted, then all of them may be used. However, if your Felvarg has less than 2 markings (base included), then you must use only one.
Markings that should be lighter/darker than the base coat should hold true to their nature. This means that highlight, for example, should still be lighter than the base coat. Mosaic, domino, pinto, skew, appaloosa, and patchwork should also still hold true to their nature.
Good Examples
Active: Mnk | Dominant: MNK
Moonkissed Rules
Moonkissed is a marking/base coat modifier. It alters two or more markings (base included) to the chosen swatch set.
In its minimum form Moonkissed must cover 2 or more markings (base included).
Free White and Black are not effected by Moonkissed.
While you may come off swatch to any natural shade to your base coat color, you should remain within the correct hue of your chosen base coat color.
If Moonkissed is present with Sunkissed, Blessed, and/or Tainted, then all of them may be used. However, if your Felvarg has less than 2 markings (base included), then you must use only one.
Markings that should be lighter/darker than the base coat should hold true to their nature. This means that highlight, for example, should still be lighter than the base coat. Mosaic, domino, pinto, skew, appaloosa, and patchwork should also still hold true to their nature.
Good Examples
Active: Sun | Dominant: SUN
Sunkissed Rules
Sunkissed is a marking/base coat modifier. It alters two or more markings (base included) to the chosen swatch set.
In its minimum form Sunkissed must cover 2 or more markings (base included).
Free White and Black are not effected by Sunkissed.
While you may come off swatch to any natural shade to your base coat color, you should remain within the correct hue of your chosen base coat color.
If Sunkissed is present with Mookissed, Blessed, and/or Tainted, then all of them may be used. However, if your Felvarg has less than 2 markings (base included), then you must use only one.
Markings that should be lighter/darker than the base coat should hold true to their nature. This means that highlight, for example, should still be lighter than the base coat. Mosaic, domino, pinto, skew, appaloosa, and patchwork should also still hold true to their nature.
Good Examples
Active: Tt | Dominant: TT
Tainted Rules
Tainted is a marking/base coat modifier. It alters two or more markings (base included) to the chosen swatch set.
In its minimum form Tainted must cover 2 or more markings (base included).
Free White and Black are not effected by Tainted.
While you may come off swatch to any natural shade to your base coat color, you should remain within the correct hue of your chosen base coat color.
If Tainted is present with Mookissed, Sunkissed, and/or Blessed, then all of them may be used. However, if your Felvarg has less than 2 markings (base included), then you must use only one.
Markings that should be lighter/darker than the base coat should hold true to their nature. This means that highlight, for example, should still be lighter than the base coat. Mosaic, domino, pinto, skew, appaloosa, and patchwork should also still hold true to their nature.
Good Examples
Putrefy Rules
Putrefy works similar to the legendary modifiers except it is not hereditary.
The designer may select a single swatch to pull colors from.
The design should remain on swatch for the base coat color and all marking colors.
While you may come off swatch to any natural shade to your base coat color, you should remain within the correct hue of your chosen base coat color. This means after selecting your base coat color, you should no longer use the swatch for guidance or color choices.
If Putrefy is present with Tainted, Mookissed, Sunkissed, and/or Blessed, then all of them may be used. However, if your Felvarg has less than 2 markings (base included), then you may not make use of the legendary modifiers. If used the modifiers must be able to effect at least two markings.
Markings that should be lighter/darker than the base coat should hold true to their nature. This means that highlight, for example, should still be lighter than the base coat. Mosaic, domino, pinto, skew, appaloosa, and patchwork should also still hold true to their nature. If you're going to have these markings effected by Putrefy they will need to like the rules state above, be on base or natural to your unchanged base coat color hue choice.