Tip* Apply a custom banner, tracker and soulmate image on your Felvargs official import database page.

Aster, The Fleet-Footed (#4299)
Level: 5

Aster, The Fleet-Footed (ID 4299) - BeachBumDunkin

Name: Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Health Status: Healthy
Owner: BeachBumDunkin (BoA)
Breeder: Wayward-Rowan
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Soulmate: Wolfsbane
Height: 146cm
Weight: 773lbs
Build: Standard
Coat type: Standard
Genotype: ss/cr/Br/bk/Ol/Hd
Phenotype: Brown with Overlay, Hooded
Physical Mutations: None
Horns: None
Hierarchy Level: 5/6
Passage of Courtship: 2/2

Personality Traits: N/A

Felvarg Achievements
/ 17
User Achievements
-- TOTAL: 56 | Points: 215

Personal Pack Mighty Trait Tracker The More the Merrier 2017 Treat Craze Road Runner Terror of the Deep Happy Halloween 2019 Turkey Day 2019 Splat! 2019 EGGspert Felvarg of the Month Turkey Day 2021 Feltide 2021 Fooled 2022 Spruced Up Fern Turtle Hop First Flurry Happy Halloween 2022 Marathonist Quick and Nimble Love is in the Air 2023 Napmates Lucky 2023 Summertide 2023 Summertide Glory I Sand Alone Youre Such A Beach Unisus Shade Lighthouse Legacy Happy Halloween 2023 Snowfel Feltide 2023 Emerald Kismet Hel's Hex Hollow's Eve 2024 Feltide 2024 Don't Cocoa It Alone! 2024 Valkyrie's Vow Feltide 2016 Naughty Special Snowflake Love is in the Air Happy Halloween 2017 Trick or Treat Feltide 2017 Eastertide 2018 Happy Halloween 2018 Eastertide 2019 Feltide 2019 The More the Merrier 2019 Happy Halloween 2021 Harvest Festival 2023 Moon Magic Islandtrotter Harvest Festival 2024


Title: The Fleet-Footed Title: The Famous Title: Reflection of


Aster has a kind and gentle soul, however, she has no problem putting others in their place when they step out of line. She is Forgiving, understanding, and gentle on occasion; depending on the felvarg in question or situation at hand. Regardless of her tough looking outward appearance, though make no mistakes, she's got quite a lot of snob in there too. Being a big, tough felvarg never has its boring moments at all, she's quite an adventurous sort. She's always got her nose either to the air or to the ground and looking for something to get into pretty much daily. She bores easily so its to be expected. She doesn't do well in large crowds though so if you're looking for a Fel that enjoys getting together with others, she's not your best choice. The first sign of a crowd and she's gone like a flash. The scares on her face, is something most notice about her first and foremost; She was attacked by a small group of rogue Felvargs in the past, and she is now completely blind in her left eye. Aster does not let her pain or sorrows show. That being said, you would not know she has had a rough life, that is if it weren't for those nasty looking scars on her face. She'd tell you that this incident made her a stronger felvarg, and she'd be right about that. She's tough in the gravest of situations. While this Fel is a good and loyal companion, she doesn't exactly trust easy. You'll have to work hard for her favour but once earned you've got yourself a loyal and devoted companion for life. She's unfortunately easily angered too, and in such can hold grudges as long as she feels its necessary. She's also rather easily annoyable too, and sadly for her, many a felvarg have taken annoying her on purpose for jolies. Regardless of how gentle she tends to be, there's a brutish snob deep within that makes it was to the surface every now and again. She's seen quite often standing off in the distance just staring snobbishly at others, while observing them of course. This tends to throw other's off from wanting to commune with her, but little do they know its just a ruse. If you see her staring at you with eyes narrowed and the look of judgement upon her fluffy face, don't pay it any mind, just walk up to her and say hi..you might just find you'll gain a bit of respect from her for it.



Felvarg: 2737-TT
Friend; shares similar viewpoints and tends to have similar interests.
Felvarg: 1811-Wolfsbane
Went on an overnight outing and ended up with 5 pups. Oops? She's bound to him now, and mostly tolerates his presence.


Felvarg: 6520-Hrafn
Aster's Father; Due to him hardly being around, due to his venturous nature, Aster's relationship with him is rather strained at best. He's trying though, now that she's older.
Felvarg: 6911-Viskr
Aster's Mother; they have an okay relationship. Viskr has always been rather hard on Aster, mostly due to the potential she see's in her, yet Aster has time and time again been shown to waste it.
Felvarg: 4916-Rao
Daughter; they have a decent enough relationship.
Felvarg: 1811-Wolfsbane
Mates, much to her dismay. She both loves him and hates him.
Aster 4299
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811
Aster has never been one for steady decent relationships between very many other felvargs, and that reigns true for this one as well. While she does very much care for Wolf she also very much dislikes him at the same time; it's complicated. Though he greatly annoys her, she couldn't really imagine her life without him either and would go to great lengths to keep it that way; not that she'd admit it openly mind you.

Level One

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Two

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Three

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Four

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Five

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.
Aster Tracker Image
Aster's Tracker
Official Tracker

Tack (17)

  • Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
  • Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
  • Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
  • Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
  • Pristine Pickaxe - Provides a small chance to return a Geode while completing a quest.
  • Magnifying Glass - 5% chance to return more valuable items while Excavating.
  • Paracord Rope - 5% chance to return more valuable items while Mountaineering.
  • Survey Equipment - 10% chance to return a Rune Coin while Excavating.
  • Trap Netting - 10% chance to return a Sand Dollar while Fishing.
  • Diving Goggles - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Diving.
  • Flashlight - 10% chance to return precious gems alongside usual diving rewards.
  • Noah's Hook Line N' Sinker - Provides a 10% chance to return lures while fishing.
  • Passage to Valhalla - Increases the chance you return with more valuable items when traversing Helvalla by 5%.
  • Seagull Charm - Increase the chance you return with more valuable items while traversing Jormungandr by 5%.
  • Trident - Increase the chance you return with more valuable items while Fishing and Diving by 5%.
  • Helvallian: Guide to Survival - 5% chance to be more successful when beast hunting.
  • The Moonhowler's Map - Provides a chance to find a shortcut, treasure, or traps while participating in Marathon.

Companions (5)

  • Hedgehog - Provides a 50% chance to return a Long Lost Treasure while participating in Quest.
  • Raccoon Kit - Provides a chance to return additional currencies while completing a Quest.
  • Robin - Provides a 25% chance to shave 2 hours from your trek.
  • Mink - Provides a 5% chance to succeed when participating in Capture the Flag.
  • Kiwi - Attracts more kiwi companions to your Felvarg. When you have 20 in your cache your Felvargs immediately get a passive bonus. (Kiwi Power)
  • Crocodile - Provides a chance while exploring Helvalla to return various eggs and companion animals that reside within water.
  • Fjord Pony - Provides a 35% chance to return an additional item alongside your usual rewards when participating in Helvalla.
  • Fox - Provides a chance to return various curious items scattered throughout the Islands while exploring Helvalla.

Traits (30)

6/6 Rare Traits
2/5 Legendary Traits
  • Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
  • Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.
  • Loki's Curse - Increases the chance that your offspring will inherit a random nonhereditary mutation.
  • Luck of the Draw - Provides a chance for you to duplicate all rewards found while participating in Adventure.
  • Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
  • Hawk Eye - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while Fishing.
  • Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
  • Small Game Hunter - Increase the sell back price of items found during tracking small prey by 5%.
  • Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
  • Iron Fist - Provides a 5% chance to succeed in player vs. player competitions.
  • Swift Paws - Guaranteeing you finish a marathon 1-2 hours quicker than usual.
  • Flag Bearer - Provides a 5% chance to successfully return the village flag you are pursuing while participating in Capture the Flag.
  • Competitive - Provides a 3% chance to succeed while participating in Player vs. Player, Capture the Flag, and Seal Hunting.
  • Fame - Grants all Felvargs depicted beside you 1EXP.
  • Gills - Provides a 3% chance to return with more valuable items while Diving.
  • Fellowship - Allow a Felvarg to be depicted beside you in any group activity, regardless of their level, and also return rewards.
  • Coax - Provides an additional 25% chance to successfully tame a beast while participating in Beast Hunting.
  • Influence - Your presence as pack leader in all creations that also include your pack mates will award the image an additional 2PP.
  • Dexterous - Removes the ability to fail Jormungandr.
  • Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
  • Venturesome - Provides a +5% chance to return with more valuable items while depicted outside of Ulfrheim.
  • Hoax - Double all static non-bonus EXP earned by completing all group activities.
  • Spirit of Helvalla - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while traversing Helvalla.
  • Prissy's Presence - Provides a small chance to locate Pawpaints -or- Accessories while participating in Adventure.
  • Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
  • Pickpocket - Provides a small chance to pickpocket a spectator while in The Underbelly, and when successful returning a Coin Purse alongside your rewards win or lose.
  • Green Thumb - Provides a chance to locate Mapleheart's Lost Satchel.
  • Windrush - Completely remove the chance you will experience a delay in marathon, given your paws are sure beneath your legs.
  • Jeno's Jinx - Provides a small chance to return 1x Strange Potion while participating in Jormungandr.
  • Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.

Backgrounds (1)

  • Import Background Set: Haldor's Pass

Cosmetics (3)

  • 1x Eye Mutation - Applies a Customized Eye Mutation.
  • 1x Pawpaints - Applies Customized Paints.
  • 1x Scar Kit - Applies Customized Scars.

Titles (3)

  • Title: The Fleet-Footed
  • Title: The Famous
  • Title: Reflection of TT
Activity Forms
Adventuring Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Adventuring
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Luck of the Draw - Provides a chance for you to duplicate all rewards found while participating in Adventure.
Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Prissy's Presence - Provides a small chance to locate Pawpaints -or- Accessories while participating in Adventure.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.
Level 4 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while adventuring.

Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Rank 7 - +5% chance to bring back more valuable items while Adventuring.
Pack Bonus: Berry Berserkers - Double all berries returned while adventuring alongside another pack member. (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Pack Bonus: Expert Explorers - Use your skills and knowledge as a team to master your adventuring skills, granting all pack members a 3% chance to return more valuable goods while adventuring. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Tracking Small Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Small Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.
Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.
Level 3 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.

Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Rank 7 - +5% chance to bring back more valuable items while Tracking.
Pack Bonus: Unity - Unite in perfect harmony, all Felvargs in the pack will receive a 3% rarity bonus while fishing & tracking. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Tracking Large Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Large Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.
Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.
Level 3 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.

Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Rank 7 - +5% chance to bring back more valuable items while Tracking.
Pack Bonus: Unity - Unite in perfect harmony, all Felvargs in the pack will receive a 3% rarity bonus while fishing & tracking. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Fishing Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Fishing
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Hawk Eye - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while Fishing.
Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Trap Netting - 10% chance to return a Sand Dollar while Fishing.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Noah's Hook Line N' Sinker - Provides a 10% chance to return lures while fishing.
Trident - Increase the chance you return with more valuable items while Fishing and Diving by 5%.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.
Level 2 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.

Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Rank 7 - +5% chance to bring back more valuable items while Fishing.
Pack Bonus: Unity - Unite in perfect harmony, all Felvargs in the pack will receive a 3% rarity bonus while fishing & tracking. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Mountaineering Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Mountaineering
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Paracord Rope - 5% chance to return more valuable items while Mountaineering.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.

Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Bonus: Expert Mountain Climber - Your ability to climb the vast mountainsides of Ulfrheim are increased, granting all pack members a 3% chance to return more valuable goods while mountaineering. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Excavating Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Excavating
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Lone Wolf - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items when pictured alone in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Magnifying Glass - 5% chance to return more valuable items while Excavating.
Survey Equipment - 10% chance to return a Rune Coin while Excavating.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Fellowship - Allow a Felvarg to be depicted beside you in any group activity, regardless of their level, and also return rewards.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.

Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Bonus: Caver - Your ability to explore the fierce caves below Ulfrheim are increased, granting all pack members a 3% chance to return more valuable goods while excavating. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Diving Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Diving
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Beast Tamer - Increases your chance to return with companion animals.
Flashlight - 10% chance to return precious gems alongside usual diving rewards.
Gills - Provides a 3% chance to return with more valuable items while Diving.
Fellowship - Allow a Felvarg to be depicted beside you in any group activity, regardless of their level, and also return rewards.
Trident - Increase the chance you return with more valuable items while Fishing and Diving by 5%.
Kiwi - This small creature is nearly impossible to catch. This creature will attract additional kiwis and once 20 have been collected within your cache they will provide your account a passive bonus called ‘Kiwi Power’, which provides a 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Bonus: Boon - Provides an extremely rare chance to locate a completely common/uncommonly rolled trait when depicted next to a pack member while diving. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Jormungandr Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Jormungandr
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Fellowship - Allow a Felvarg to be depicted beside you in any group activity, regardless of their level, and also return rewards.
Dexterous - Removes the ability to fail Jormungandr.
Seagull Charm - Increase the chance you return with more valuable items while traversing Jormungandr by 5%.
Venturesome - Provides a +5% chance to return with more valuable items while depicted outside of Ulfrheim.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Jeno's Jinx - Provides a small chance to return 1x Strange Potion while participating in Jormungandr.
Amalthea's Academia - provides a chance to locate one of the many missing pages while participating in traditional Ulfrheim or Jormungandr based activities.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Quest Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Quest
Additional Bonus Items:
Pristine Pickaxe - Provides a small chance to return a Geode while completing a quest.
Hedgehog - Provides a 50% chance to return a Long Lost Treasure while participating in Quest.
Raccoon Kit - Provides a chance to return additional currencies while completing a Quest.
Level 3 - grants the ability to return an additional long lost treasure chest in every quest entry including the Felvarg.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Rank 4 - 50% chance to find 1x Scroll of Power, Peace, War, or Knowledge while Questing.

Tournament Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Competition: Tournament
Additional Bonus Items:
Iron Fist - Provides a 5% chance to succeed in player vs. player competitions.
Competitive - Provides a 3% chance to succeed while participating in Player vs. Player, Capture the Flag, and Seal Hunting.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Is another pack member owned by another user present?
Pack Bonus: Safety Net - When facing a fellow pack mate during 1v1 interactions, the losing pack member will not sustain injuries. (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Underbelly Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Competition: Underbelly
Challenger Alpha:
Additional Bonus Items:
Pickpocket - Provides a small chance to pickpocket a spectator while in The Underbelly, and when successful returning a Coin Purse alongside your rewards win or lose.

Marathon Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Marathon
Additional Bonus Items:
Robin - Provides a 25% chance to shave 2 hours from your trek.
Swift Paws - Guaranteeing you finish a marathon 1-2 hours quicker than usual.
The Moonhowler's Map - Provides a chance to find a shortcut, treasure, or traps while participating in Marathon.
Windrush - Completely remove the chance you will experience a delay in marathon, given your paws are sure beneath your legs.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Capture the Flag Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Capture the Flag
Additional Bonus Items:
Flag Bearer - Provides a 5% chance to successfully return the village flag you are pursuing while participating in Capture the Flag.
Mink - Provides a 5% chance to succeed when participating in Capture the Flag.
Competitive - Provides a 3% chance to succeed while participating in Player vs. Player, Capture the Flag, and Seal Hunting.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)

Helvalla Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Helvalla
Additional Bonus Items:
Kiwi Power - 10% chance to return a single Felpoint, Runecoin or various other currency while including an official village on the island in your entry.
Passage to Valhalla - Increases the chance you return with more valuable items when traversing Helvalla by 5%.
Fellowship - Allow a Felvarg to be depicted beside you in any group activity, regardless of their level, and also return rewards.
Venturesome - Provides a +5% chance to return with more valuable items while depicted outside of Ulfrheim.
Spirit of Helvalla - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while traversing Helvalla.
Signe's Merriment - Provides a small chance to return seasonal items all year around in all group activities.
Green Thumb - Provides a chance to locate Mapleheart's Lost Satchel.
Crocodile - Provides a chance while exploring Helvalla to return various eggs and companion animals that reside within water.
Fjord Pony - Provides a 35% chance to return an additional item alongside your usual rewards when participating in Helvalla.
Fox - Provides a chance to return various curious items scattered throughout the Islands while exploring Helvalla.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.

Beast Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Completed Entry:
Additional Bonus Items:
Coax - Provides an additional 25% chance to successfully tame a beast while participating in Beast Hunting.
Helvallian: Guide to Survival - 5% chance to be more successful when beast hunting.

Storybook Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Link to Storybook Hub:
Activity: Storybook
Additional Bonus Items:

Seal Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 4299 Aster, The Fleet-Footed
Link to Tracker: Aster's Tracker
Activity: Seal Hunting
Preemptive Heal: N/A -or- In Cache
Additional Bonus Items:
Competitive - Provides a 3% chance to succeed while participating in Player vs. Player, Capture the Flag, and Seal Hunting.

Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Wolfsbane 1811 (Remove if doesn't apply!)



5 / 20 Used
    Used Slots:
  1. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/825393297/4812598632
  2. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/835839638/4838710382
  3. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/893365261/4950162844
  4. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/916628044/5020304145
  5. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/916628044/5020832558
    No promised slots.

