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Markings are not optional, your Felvarg must utilize all markings present on its genostring.
Helpful Tips
Each marking has an active and dominant possibility. Dominant means the marking will always pass when bred and can even sometimes change what the marking looks like. Active simply means it must be present. We will show you an example using the marking 'Highlight'.
Each marking has specific guidelines so be sure to Ctrl-F and search for the marking you are creating.
Markings ranges are a guideline and not a strict ruleset, so long as your general placement is there and not abusive you will find a smooth sail experience during approvals.
When we say a marking must be natural to your base coat color, we deem the following natural markings safe across the board: Silver, Cream, Brown, Black, White
A soft edge simply means it has been smoothed out entirely into the design, Highlight is a good example of this termonology. A hard edge can have various brush edges, it just has to have a definitive marking edge.
Need to download the official PSD to design on? You can find it here alongside your base coat color swatches.
Active Example: Hl
Dominant Example: HL
Each marking has specific guidelines so be sure to Ctrl-F and search for the marking you are creating.
Markings ranges are a guideline and not a strict ruleset, so long as your general placement is there and not abusive you will find a smooth sail experience during approvals.
When we say a marking must be natural to your base coat color, we deem the following natural markings safe across the board: Silver, Cream, Brown, Black, White
Unnatural colors are fine provided your base coat color too is an unnatural shade, and the colors used are considered natural and relevant to your base coat color.
A soft edge simply means it has been smoothed out entirely into the design, Highlight is a good example of this termonology. A hard edge can have various brush edges, it just has to have a definitive marking edge.
Need to download the official PSD to design on? You can find it here alongside your base coat color swatches.
Quicklinks for Individual Markings
Click on any of the following links to be redirected to the specific marking rules!
Provided is a compilation of free to use Free White and Free Black layers that players may use freely when designing.
Free Player Resources
Provided is a compilation of free to use lineart assets that players may use freely for the specific visuals, such as hereditary tails.
Lineart Master Resources
Free White
*Allowed to have small holes near the flesh areas like nose, lips and paws.
Free White Rules
No minimum requirement as Free White is an optional marking to use.
Free White is an asymmetrical marking.
If Free White is present on flesh areas (Lip/Nose/Paws/Eyes/Inner Ear), then you may add a subtle flesh tint.
Free White may have breaks.
Free White is a solid marking and should have no holes within the marking.
* Exception being small holes near the flesh areas (nose, lips, paws).
* Exception being small holes near the flesh areas (nose, lips, paws).
Free White should consist of a single color.
Free Black
Free Black Rules
No minimum requirement as Free Black is an optional marking to use.
Free Black is a symmetrical marking.
Free Black should consist of a single color.
Free black cannot be pitch black. It must be able to be seen against the lineart of a Felvarg.
Free Black is a solid marking and should have no holes within the marking.
Free Black may have breaks.
Free Black is a soft marking and as such must have soft edges.
Free Black Safe Swatches