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Guide: Safe ways to choose markings that are natural to your base coat color!

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Each genotype has a base coat color. This color is determined by the sire and dam while breeding. Regardless of your base coat color your genotype will display the 4 main coat markers. Silver (ss), Cream (cr), Brown (br), & Black (bk). The capitalization of your base coat will determine the active base coat color.
Active Example: Ss/cr/br/bk (Silver)
Dominant Example: SS/cr/br/bk (Dominant Silver)

Each base coat color has its very own swatch. Be sure to select your base color from the appropriate swatch provided.
Subtle nuances are allowed provided your color choices fall on swatch and are smoothly blended into one another. Be mindful your nuance should be a single solid marking and color and be present on the open portion of the Felvargs body. Avoid placing it on the legs or face so you do not risk your gradient appearing like official markings. Stray away from breaking your gradient up into various small patches and keep the subtle gradient fluidly solid throughout.
Selecting good marking colors? Be mindful that when selecting your base coat color this will effect the allowance of colors displayed on your Felvargs markings. While disregarding your base coat color we consider the following colors equally as natural as the colors immediately surrounding your chosen base: brown, silver, black, and cream. They are natural throughout, but players should be mindful not to consume their Felvarg in shades that stray too far from their base itself. Should a player choose to use the 4 natural colors, they should be mindful that no more than 25% of their design is covered by markings not immediately relevant to their base. This means if your Felvarg is Cream (Cr) 75%+ or more of your Felvarg should be in shades of cream equally. See a live example on how you might choose safe marking colors while designing your Felvarg here.
When a Legendary Modifier is present and chosen to effect the base coat color, and 1 other marking, designers may then choose to pick the remaining marking colors from the true base coat color swatch optionally to use on any remaining markings. This means all markings using the true base coat color should originate from the swatch provided.
We have a few terms we use while explaining base coat colors. Base Standard, Specialty, Hereditary, and Modifiers. Each one means something different. We will recap below.
  • Base Standard: These are as they imply, the four base coat colors untouched as they are.
  • Specialty: Specialty Colors are rare base coats colors that are a fun twist on their standard counterpart to be more fantasy-esque.
  • Modifiers: Base Coat Modifiers alter a Felvarg’s base coat color to a different swatch depending on what base coat modifier is present.
  • Hereditary: Hereditary Colors are base coat colors that are only obtainable when the correct Alpha is visible within a Felvarg’s lineage.

What is HeliX?

Obtaining both Ashen and Dilute on the same genostring creates a mutated base coat modifier known as Helix. Helix lays a chosen Ashen color down upon the Felvarg and then over top of it a chosen Dilute color. The Diluted chosen color acts as a solid marking, that allows for what is called specs to lay above it. Specs are optional and if used should have a subtle illumination like stars.

Helix Step By Step

1. Select a single Ashen and Dilute color from your swatches. Apply Ashen as the core base, now apply Dilute.
2. Smooth your Dilute edges into Ashen. Be sure not to cover more than 50% of your design with Dilute.
3. Optional: Add starmarks to your Diluted base color areas consistently.


Helix is a base coat modifier, thus making it show under all markings.

Helix when present must be shown on the design, it cannot be carried and is not optional!
NOTE: Helix does NOT have to be symmetrical.
Helix must have a single Ashen color as its base, with an overlaying single Dilute color as its gradient. The Dilute must have soft, smoothed and blended edges.
The Dilute marking over the Ashen must appear generally solid and while it can have implied breaks (Such as traveling under the Felvargs stomach to the rump with a break on the leg) it cannot have tiny breaks or tiny holes that resemble other markings. The dilute gradient should not cover more than 50% of the ashen base coat color.
Dilute can have optional illuminated/glowing subtle specs in it. Specs must only be present in the Diluted color. Specs should be small and round, and resemble stars. They must be a color natural to the base coat. They cannot be too saturated in color.
The specs of helix should be generally present across the dilute covering. It may have some empty dilute spaces, but most areas should have spec/star coverage.
Should helix be present alongside cross, the helix may effect either black or your base portion of a cross, but can only effect one or the other.
Be mindful that both ashen and dilute work as they are intended. So ashen should appear darker than your chosen dilute color.

Hereditary Base Colors

  • TBA
  • Cobalt

    All Felvargs with Svaldilfari present in the Felvargs lineage that are either Silver or Black in origin unlock the ability for the Felvarg to use the hereditary swatch ‘Cobalt’. Svaldifari 7235 must be visible somewhere in the lineage.


    Matcha swatch may be used on any Felvarg with the Felvarg Viridis 7344 visible somewhere in their lineage.


  • Silver is the most common base coat color in its standard form. It does however become rare when its specialty and modifiers are present.
  • (ss inactive - Ss active - SS dominant)

    To Obtain Silver: Breed SS or Ss to SS/Ss
    To Obtain Dusk Silver: Breed DSs to Ss/SS/DSs
    To Obtain Hereditary: Breed to Hereditary Carrier

    Silver Standard

    Silver (Ss)
    Ashen Silver (Ash/Ss)
    Dilute Silver (Lu/Ss)
    Frost Silver (Fro/Ss)
    Molten Silver (Mol/Ss)
    Frost Ashen Silver (Fro/Ash/Ss)
    Molten Ashen Silver (Mol/Ash/Ss)
    Frost Dilute Silver (Fro/Lu/Ss)
    Molten Dilute Silver (Mol/Lu/Ss)

    Silver Specialty

    Dusk Silver (DSs)
    Ashen Dusk Silver (Ash/DSs)
    Dilute Dusk Silver (Lu/DSs)
    Molten Dusk Silver (Mol/DSs)
    Frost Dusk Silver (Fro/DSs)
    Molten Ashen Dusk Silver (Mol/Ash/DSs)
    Molten Dilute Dusk Silver (Mol/Lu/DSs)
    Frost Ashen Dusk Silver (Fro/Ash/DSs)
    Frost Dilute Dusk Silver (Fro/Lu/DSs)

    Silver Hereditary

    Ivory Silver
    Steel Silver

    Hereditary Swatches?

    These two swatches are only available to Felvargs who have an alpha the hereditary swatch belongs to somewhere in it's direct lineage.

    Did you know?

    There is items in game that can alter the base coat color of your Felvarg's genotype? A quick search in Wikivargs using the keyphrase 'Bases' will list them for you.


  • Cream is the most common base coat color in its standard form. It does however become rare when its specialty and modifiers are present.
  • (cr inactive - Cr active - CR dominant)

    To Obtain Cream: Breed CR or Cr to CR/Cr
    To Obtain Fawn Cream: Breed FCr to Cr/CR/FCr
    To Obtain Hereditary: Breed to Hereditary Carrier

    Cream Standard

    Cream (Cr)
    Ashen Cream (Ash/Cr)
    Dilute Cream (Lu/Cr)
    Frost Cream (Fro/Cr)
    Molten Cream (Mol/Cr)
    Frost Ashen Cream (Fro/Ash/Cr)
    Molten Ashen Cream (Mol/Ash/Cr)
    Frost Dilute Cream (Fro/Lu/Cr)
    Molten Dilute Cream (Mol/Lu/Cr)

    Cream Specialty

    Fawn Cream (FCr)
    Ashen Fawn Cream (Ash/FCr)
    Dilute Fawn Cream (Lu/FCr)
    Molten Fawn Cream (Mol/FCr)
    Frost Fawn Cream (Fro/FCr)
    Molten Ashen Fawn Cream (Mol/Ash/FCr)
    Molten Dilute Fawn Cream (Mol/Lu/FCr)
    Frost Ashen Fawn Cream (Fro/Ash/FCr)
    Frost Dilute Fawn Cream (Fro/Lu/FCr)

    Cream Hereditary

    Isabella Cream
    Blush Cream

    Hereditary Swatches?

    These two swatches are only available to Felvargs who have an alpha the hereditary swatch belongs to somewhere in it's direct lineage.

    Did you know?

    There is items in game that can alter the base coat color of your Felvarg's genotype? A quick search in Wikivargs using the keyphrase 'Bases' will list them for you.


  • Brown is an uncommon base coat color in its standard form. It does however become rare when its specialty and modifiers are present.
  • (br inactive - Br active - BR dominant)

    To Obtain Brown: Breed BR or Br to BR/Br
    To Obtain Fox Brown: Breed FBr to Br/BR/FBr
    To Obtain Hereditary: Breed to Hereditary Carrier

    Brown Standard

    Brown (Br)
    Ashen Brown (Ash/Br)
    Dilute Brown (Lu/Br)
    Frost Brown (Fro/Br)
    Molten Brown (Mol/Br)
    Frost Ashen Brown (Fro/Ash/Br)
    Molten Ashen Brown (Mol/Ash/Br)
    Frost Dilute Brown (Fro/Lu/Br)
    Molten Dilute Brown (Mol/Lu/Br)

    Brown Specialty

    Fox Brown (FBr)
    Ashen Fox Brown (Ash/FBr)
    Dilute Fox Brown (Lu/FBr)
    Molten Fox Brown (Mol/FBr)
    Frost Fox Brown (Fro/FBr)
    Molten Ashen Fox Brown (Mol/Ash/FBr)
    Molten Dilute Fox Brown (Mol/Lu/FBr)
    Frost Ashen Fox Brown (Fro/Ash/FBr)
    Frost Dilute Fox Brown (Fro/Lu/FBr)

    Brown Hereditary

    Liver Brown
    Smoke Brown

    Hereditary Swatches?

    These two swatches are only available to Felvargs who have an alpha the hereditary swatch belongs to somewhere in it's direct lineage.

    Did you know?

    There is items in game that can alter the base coat color of your Felvarg's genotype? A quick search in Wikivargs using the keyphrase 'Bases' will list them for you.


  • Black is the rarest base coat color in its standard form. It does however become rare when its specialty and modifiers are present.
  • (bk inactive - Bk active - BK dominant)

    To Obtain Black: Breed BK or BK to Bk/BK
    To Obtain Midnight Black: Breed MBk to Bk/BK/MBk
    To Obtain Hereditary: Breed to Hereditary Carrier

    Black Standard

    Black (Bk)
    Ashen Black (Ash/Bk)
    Dilute Black (Lu/Bk)
    Frost Black (Fro/Bk)
    Molten Black (Mol/Bk)
    Frost Ashen Black (Fro/Ash/Bk)
    Molten Ashen Black (Mol/Ash/Bk)
    Frost Dilute Black (Fro/Lu/Bk)
    Molten Dilute Black (Mol/Lu/Bk)

    Black Specialty

    Midnight Black (MBk)
    Ashen Midnight Black (Ash/MBk)
    Dilute Midnight Black (Lu/MBk)
    Molten Midnight Black (Mol/MBk)
    Frost Midnight Black (Fro/MBk)
    Molten Ashen Midnight Black (Mol/Ash/MBk)
    Molten Dilute Midnight Black (Mol/Lu/MBk)
    Frost Ashen Midnight Black (Fro/Ash/MBk)
    Frost Dilute Midnight Black (Fro/Lu/MBk)

    Black Hereditary

    Maroon Black
    Prussian Black

    Hereditary Swatches?

    These two swatches are only available to Felvargs who have an alpha the hereditary swatch belongs to somewhere in it's direct lineage.

    Did you know?

    There is items in game that can alter the base coat color of your Felvarg's genotype? A quick search in Wikivargs using the keyphrase 'Bases' will list them for you.


  • Graying is a base modifier that blankets a marking that is a shade of gray, in an open layering system on the Felvargs design. That shade of gray then turns translucent.
  • (Gry active - GRY dominant)

    To Obtain Graying: Breed GRY or Gry

    Graying Range: The grey areas display the illegal range for this marking. Blue displays the open range.

    Safe Graying: The following swatch is safe to use regardless of base provided. Colors that deviate this swatch must be relative to your chosen base.


    Graying must have a lowered transparency and be symmetrical. Markings must be fluidly present below and above when interacting with Graying. We advise users to use a transparency of 30%-90% for the best graying results.
    Graying is a soft edged marking and should be relatively and fluidly smoothed/nuanced throughout.
    Graying can display holes on the face region (Muzzle, Eyes, Ears, Nose) but otherwise should be solid throughout.
    Graying falls in an open layering system. It can fall in any layering system, including mutations, minus Free White and Free Black.
    Graying can cover 15-60% of your Felvargs design. Each patch present should be 10%+ or larger.
    Graying is a solid marking and should have no more than 3 breaks present.
    Graying can be present anywhere on the Felvarg but should be careful not to mimic already existing markings. Placing this marking so that is resembles sable or shadow for example will be sent to corrections.
    Graying is not affected by legendary modifiers and should still be presently silver.
    Graying should consist of a single color and cannot in itself have a nuanced color or multiple colors.
    Graying CAN NOT be clipped on to specific markings giving the appearance of a solid edge, it must be placed within its own right.

    Graying & Mutations:

    Graying shows above all mutations but is not effected by their individual behaviors. Instead it remains true to it's nature in being gray.

    Graying & Silver:

    When graying is present on a silver based Felvarg, it allows the user the ability to use shades closer to black and white when nuancing the gray. We have provided a safe as dark and as light as you can go guide. Be cautious not to deviate too far from the shades provided, hue may be adjusted to your base coat color accordingly.

    Dominant Graying:

    Dominant Graying increases the max coverage allowance slightly to 85%.

    Reversal & Graying:

    Reversal when present with graying voids the 10% patch size requirement and break allowance and allows the user freedom in break and placement. Reversal also releases the illegal range.