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Jaylyn, The Fearless (#688)
Level: 5

Jaylyn, The Fearless (ID 688) - Risketch

Name: Jaylyn, The Fearless
Nickname(s): Jay
Health Status: Healthy
Owner: Risketch
Breeder: SheBeeSalty
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Soulmate: Oakley
Height: 145cm
Weight: 710lbs
Build: Standard
Coat type: Standard
Genotype: ss/Cr/br/bk/Sp/Sa/Dt
Phenotype: Cream with Splash, Saddle, Dusted
Physical Mutations: None
Horns: None
Hierarchy Level: 5/6
Passage of Courtship: 2/2
Pack: The Fiskr

Personality Traits: N/A

Felvarg Achievements
/ 12
User Achievements
-- TOTAL: 26 | Points: 110

Master Fisher Lore Galore Star Player Traited Up Personal Pack Loot Junky Hoarder Love is in the Air Easter Fever Lucky 2017 Treat Craze Happy Halloween 2017 Eastertide 2018 Felvarg of the Month Freyjas Gratitude Trick or Treat Happy Halloween 2018 Turkey Day 2018 Feltide 2018 Eastertide 2019 Halkeamas Demise Happy Halloween 2019 Turkey Day 2019 Feltide 2019 The More the Merrier 2019 Nice 2019


Title: Delver of the Deeps Title: The Collector Title: Saviour of Valhalla Title: Saviour of Ulfrheim Title: The Untamed Title: The Seer Title: The Fearless Title: The Pure Title: The Famous Title: Elder