Tip* Apply a custom banner, tracker and soulmate image on your Felvargs official import database page.

Janek (#245)
Level: 5

Janek (ID 245) - goat-hound

Name: Janek
Nickname(s): Sprig
Health Status: Healthy
Owner: goat-hound
Breeder: goat-hound
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Soulmate: Unknown
Height: 159cm
Weight: 766lbs
Build: Standard
Coat type: Arctic
Genotype: ss/cr/br/Bk/Hl/Pn
Phenotype: Black with Highlight, Pinto
Physical Mutations: None
Horns: None
Hierarchy Level: 5/6
Passage of Courtship: 2/2

Personality Traits: N/A

Felvarg Achievements
/ 14
User Achievements
-- TOTAL: 18 | Points: 25

Eastertide 2022 Crunch Fever Summertide Turtle Hop Bloodline Luck Freyjas Gratitude Turkey Day 2017 Feltide 2016 Nice The More the Merrier 2017 Love is in the Air Treat Craze Happy Halloween 2017 Trick or Treat Eastertide 2018 EGGspert Raining Rocks



No one is quite sure exactly how old Janek is, and he seems to have lost track of time himself. Although he is well traveled and knowledgeable about the history of Ulfrheim, the arctic Felvarg is rather tight lipped about his own past. There is a somber, serious bearing about him that suggests perhaps a grave loss somewhere down the line. It's not that he is particularly down in the dumps or mopey. On the contrary, there seems to be nothing that could stop Janek from what he sees as his duty. Yet he does not smile often, chooses his words carefully, and keeps himself detached from emotional entanglements as best he can. He cares about Ulfrheim and all the Felvargs within it a great deal, but it is the care of a soldier with a cause. Janek keeps to himself in his home deep within the mountains, venturing down only to complete contract jobs and hopping from one town to the next without spending a great deal of time there. When he does interact with others he is always polite, even formal, and always reserved. He does not appear to have any family to speak of, at least none that he is in contact with. His friends too are few and far between. Although he is quite loyal, he generally maintains only enough contact to foster effective working relationships and situational trust.


SSS: Unknown
SS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
Sire: Drogon #7
SDS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
DSS: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
DDD: Unknown




Janek 245
Soulmate: Unknown

Level One

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Two

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Three

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Four

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.

Level Five

Unranked You and your soulmate have not currently unlocked any bonuses in this level.
Janek Tracker Image
Janek's Tracker
Official Tracker

Tack (10)

  • Amulet of the Queen - Removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
  • Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
  • Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
  • Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
  • Pristine Fishing Pole - 10% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.
  • Pristine Pickaxe - Provides a small chance to return a Geode while completing a quest.
  • Magnifying Glass - 5% chance to return more valuable items while Excavating.
  • Paracord Rope - 5% chance to return more valuable items while Mountaineering.
  • Survey Equipment - 10% chance to return a Rune Coin while Excavating.
  • Trap Netting - 10% chance to return a Sand Dollar while Fishing.

Companions (1)

  • Bat - Provides a 10% chance to duplicate all rewards located when you are depicted in a cave setting.
  • Black Dragon - Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.

Traits (7)

0/6 Rare Traits
0/5 Legendary Traits
  • Flayer - Provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.
  • Persuasion - All items found in starter group activities are worth 10% more than their initial value.
  • Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
  • Overachiever - Allows the Felvarg to locate special titles in all group activities.
  • Small Game Hunter - Increase the sell back price of items found during tracking small prey by 5%.
  • Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
  • King of the Hill - Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while Mountaineering.

Backgrounds (1)

  • Import Background Set: Murder of Crows

Cosmetics (2)

  • 1x Accessories - Applies Custom Decor.
  • 1x Rune of Expression - Applies a Custom Expression.

Titles (0)

Activity Forms
Adventuring Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Adventuring
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - This map was inked with precision. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Blessing of the High Queen - You have gained Freyja's favor which has provided you a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Explorer - Your desire to explore will provide a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.
Level 4 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while adventuring.

Tracking Small Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Small Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Handcrafted Sword - This sword is very reliable. Provides a 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - These leg guards are stitched pristinely. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - This map was inked with precision. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Flayer - Your sheer brutality and blind rage provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Explorer - Your desire to explore will provide a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.
Level 3 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.

Tracking Large Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Large Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Handcrafted Sword - This sword is very reliable. Provides a 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - These leg guards are stitched pristinely. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - This map was inked with precision. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Flayer - Your sheer brutality and blind rage provides a chance to roll 1 additional hide in any Tracking roll.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Explorer - Your desire to explore will provide a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.
Level 3 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.

Fishing Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Fishing
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - This map was inked with precision. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Pristine Fishing Pole - This fishing pole is in pristine condition. Provides a 10% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.
Trap Netting - This net will prove helpful. Provides a 10% chance to return a Sand Dollar while Fishing.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Explorer - Your desire to explore will provide a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.
Level 2 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.

Mountaineering Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Mountaineering
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - This map was inked with precision. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Paracord Rope - This rope would be most helpful to anyfel. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Mountaineering.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Explorer - Your desire to explore will provide a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
King of the Hill - Your skill while traveling the winding mountains increases your ability to find more valuable items while Mountaineering by 5%.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.

Excavating Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Excavating
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Market Map - This map was inked with precision. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Bat - This creature helps you thrive in dark places. Provides a 10% chance to duplicate all rewards located when you are depicted in a cave setting.
Magnifying Glass - This magnifying glass is crafted with great reliability. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Excavating.
Survey Equipment - Tools any excavator would find useful to carry in one's pack. Provides a 10% chance to return a Rune Coin while Excavating.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Explorer - Your desire to explore will provide a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.

Diving Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Diving
Additional Bonus Items:
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.

Jormungandr Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Jormungandr
Additional Bonus Items:
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.

Quest Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Quest
Additional Bonus Items:
Pristine Pickaxe - This pickaxe provides a 20% chance to return a Geode while completing a quest.
Level 3 - grants the ability to return an additional long lost treasure chest in every quest entry including the Felvarg.

Tournament Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Competition: Tournament
Additional Bonus Items:

Underbelly Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Competition: Underbelly
Challenger Alpha:
Additional Bonus Items:

Marathon Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Marathon
Additional Bonus Items:

Capture the Flag Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Capture the Flag
Additional Bonus Items:

Helvalla Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Helvalla
Additional Bonus Items:
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Black Dragon - This magical creature brings magical rewards. Provides a small chance to trigger special events while participating in all group activities.

Beast Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Completed Entry:
Additional Bonus Items:

Storybook Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Link to Storybook Hub:
Activity: Storybook
Additional Bonus Items:

Seal Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 245 Janek
Link to Tracker: Janek's Tracker
Activity: Seal Hunting
Preemptive Heal: N/A -or- In Cache
Additional Bonus Items:



1 / 20 Used
    Used Slots:
  1. https://www.deviantart.com/comments/1/916628044/5008922340
    No promised slots.

