Group Games

Sacred Offering: Starkir (3597)

Varglotto: 6000 Felcredits
03/04/2025 - 04/04/2025 | 11:59:59PM IST

Fel in Skoll's Strike

Freyja is confused, this much is obvious as she digests what is unfolding right before her eyes. You emerge from a dark corridor moments after Fenrir passed, only to have crashed into her sending pages from the books Fenrir sent you to obtain from Keijo’s Sleeve flying every which way. Suspiciously Freyja asks you if you’re alright, and your pause causes her to grow even more concerned. Her body snakes to one side as she keeps hold of the singular book she still holds in her possession, not yet having pawed it over to you. “Were you hiding from Fenrir?” She asks, boldly and bravely already feeling as though she knew the answer. Your heart is pounding in your chest, you could tell her everything perhaps? Explain the vision, explain what you saw in great detail. Fenrir’s lifeless body laid upon the forest floor as she wept before him. You could tell her about the mysterious Felvarg that led you to a stream in The Great Maw. You could tell her one moment you were blind, until you weren’t..

The more you considered the words the more you realized how ridiculous you sounded. Freyja would never believe you, who would? To give these very books to Fenrir meant you were sealing his fate to the unspeakable. You search for the same sorrow in Freyja’s eyes as you saw when she chased you through the forest on Haldor’s peaks eager to strike you down. This time though? Her expression was washed over in hurt and anger. You take a few steps backwards anxiously as Freyja steps towards you in equal paces, her tone sharp, “Think long and hard about this.” It’s too late for Freyja to talk you off the edge so-to-speak. It simply had to be this way.

With your mind made up you turn and bolt off down the dark corridor tripping over your own four paws multiple times in an attempt to free yourself of The Great Maw and those who now angrily seek you out from within. Each corridor looks like the last, the wet moss causing the cavern floor to resemble ice beneath your pads. You’re breathless, anxious and each way out is met with another guard charging towards you with a fierce purpose. Snarls and roars of honor snap behind you as you turn and blindly run in any direction that offers even the slightest hint of possible freedom. You’re being hunted, like prey in a meadow as the guards weave the passages as though they themselves had built them with their own four paws.

The only way away is up, and the further up you climb the more concerned you are that you might not find an exit of some sort. One final turn sends you crashing into yet another Felvarg, and this time It’s Esme. She seems jarred as she yelps when the two of you collide. You quickly scramble to all fours as you hear thundering paws approaching. Esme seems concerned as she rushes forward in an attempt to comfort you. When you back away in a panic she respectfully pauses, she can see the worry in your gaze, she can hear your heart pounding. She turns now and with the guards nearing the two of you she understands exactly what is happening. Esme turns back to face you as she leaps over your head and bolts forward. You’re confused as she clears you.

You take one last look at the guards as they close the gap, when you look back to Esme she turns and scolds you as she collapses into a trot to call back to you, “What are you waiting for, let’s go!” Can you really trust Esme? What choice do you have, it’s not as if you have enough time to create a list of pros and cons. After hesitating you spin in pursuit of Esme, who leads you down dark slips that would have otherwise been blind to the naked unknowing eye. Eventually you break out onto a cliff side. It takes only a moment to realize that hundreds of feet below you The Hungry Wolf pounds into the cliff side of The Great Maw. You look at Esme, and she gazes back at you with equal parts hope and fear in her eyes. Wait… she’s not expecting you to jump.. Pawsteps approaching from behind snap you back to reality as Esme widens her eyes with worry, nodding it to one side as if to gesture ‘what else can we do.’ She takes a few steps backwards and tucks her head into her chest as if to summon the courage she needed next.

Both of your chests heave with exhaustion as Esme speaks one last time before bursting forward and leaping from the cliff side with or without you, “Don’t be a fel in Skoll's Strike. Fenrir’s bite is what truly ended it all.” If ever words were going to encourage you to leap, it would be those words specifically.


Depict or write your Felvarg having leapt from the cliff side of The Great Maw, plummeting down into Hongerige. Your paws have only just left the crumbling mountainside as you're suspended in midair. This leap is hundreds of feet from the water below, hungrily the waves wait to receive you. Moss and foliage consumes the face of the mountain whole.


1,500 Felcredits, 1x Chest of War, Peace, Power, Knowledge, 1x Long Lost Treasure, 1x Oracle's Bloodcursed Cleaver *, 50% Chance for 1x Essence of Trickery, 25% Chance for 1x Waterlogged Provisions


All participants will be added into a raffle to receive 1x Cursed Helscroll.
02/18/2025 - 03/17/2025 | 11:59:59PM IST

Mischief Managed

The walls of the Broken Wheel tavern are a mix of old weathered wood and roughly carved stone. The hearth crackles softly providing a comforting warmth that blankets the entire tavern. The ceiling beams hang low adorned with many old and faded tapestries. A partially broken wheel hangs above the bar as a symbol of the tavern’s rich history of servitude to the Village of Hearth. Sounds of murmured chatter fill the air from the merchants, travelers, and farmers that make up the majority of regular patrons who frequent the Broken Wheel. They tuck themselves away in the corners and for the most part, keep to themselves. Elruna, having offered to watch over the quaint little tavern in the absence of the tavern’s keeper, proudly plants herself behind the bar.

As dusk settles in, Elruna tips her head with a sigh of contentment. The once calm atmosphere is quickly interrupted with a jarring slam, the door of the tavern flying open as a particular group of Felvargs filter their way in. The usual chatter of the tavern came to a slow halt as heads turned to meet the new arrivals. Patrons cast looks of disdain and weariness as they watched through squinted eyes. The new arrivals carelessly wade their way through the crowd with only one thing on their mind; the bar. Chairs screeched as they shoved them aside and tables cracked as they got overturned. The sound of shattered glass pierced the air as one of the Felvargs barged their way past a table with existing patrons. This sudden disruption to the otherwise peaceful tavern atmosphere startled the regulars who immediately paid for their tab and made for a hasty exit. Elruna waved feebly, calling out to them to have a great rest of the night before turning to the new group in front of her. She furrowed her brows as they leered at her, their maws curled into a snarl.

Outside the Broken Wheel you find yourself flicking an ear towards the sounds leaking from the establishment. A series of growls and yelps sound inside the walls. You pause to turn your head just in time to see Elruna shoved from the front doors of the tavern against her will. She hits the ground with a thud, scattering debris and pebbles in her wake. You rush to her aid, helping her to her paws. You sense fury pulsing beneath her coat as she glares back at the building, “You have crossed a line now, this behavior is unacceptable!” Elruna hissed, her voice laced with disappointment and upset.

Elruna inhales deeply attempting to gather her composure amidst all the chaos. She takes a moment to dust the dirt from her long Lithe coat before turning to address you, “It seems I am a bit over my head at the moment.” She admits with an unusually soft and gathered tone ”I would appreciate any assistance you can offer. This situation has taken me by surprise and I may need a bit more muscle if I am to regain control of this tavern.” You step up to the doors and hear howling laughter from within. Your own blood boils at the sound. You look to Elruna and she nods encouragingly. "Time to knock them down a keg."


Depict or write your Felvarg busting through the doors of the tavern, all eyes on you as the room falls silent. How does your Felvarg attempt to get the situation under control? What object does your Felvarg bring?


1,000 Felcredits, 1x Paracord Rope, 1x Blunt Axe, 1x Shovel, 1x Dirt, 1x Spiritmender's Satchel (Unique), and 1x Pouch of Punches (Unique)


Both depict AND write how your Felvarg controls the situation (Provide two completed entries of different mediums) to gain an additional reward. 1x Randomly Rolled Enigmatic Luckstone (Unique)
Beast Hunt
03/05/2025 - 04/02/2025 | 11:59:59PM IST


Waves crash at the shore of Hearth, the smell of brine and salt fills the air. A cool breeze whips and tugs at your fur while seagulls call overhead. Creaking wood sounds beneath your paws as you walk the docks, the fisherfel nodding in welcome. You watch as Hongerige rocks the ships awaiting departure, the decks buzzing with activity as fisherfel scramble in preparation for the long journey out at sea. As you make your way through the docks, you take notice of captains shifting their paws anxiously as they gather at a particular ship. You feel tension in the air as Felvargs whispers in hushed, distraught tones. Noah stood among these seafarers, his own gaze reflecting the uncertainty of those around him.

“Our hauls have been scarce. We are returning with no fish!” a rugged titan called out, his voice edged with desperation. Noah bowed his head in understanding, “We have taken a devastating blow to our trade. Worse yet, there have been no signs of our beloved Hallstein in days.” He addressed the Felvargs gathered around him, each lowering their gaze in worry. The waters off the coast of Hearth have always provided bountiful returns, but this is not by chance. Hallstein’s sheer size and overwhelming presence alone deters larger predators that would normally strip the water free of its marine life. Those who fish within his territory have benefited from the symbiotic relationship formed with the large walrus allowing Felvargs like Noah and his crew to fish freely, so long as they provide Hallstein with a few snacks from their haul.

Noah puffed up his chest, a plan swimming through his brain, “Hallstein was last seen on the rocky cliffs on the edge of the Great Maw.” His icy blue eyes fell on you, “You will join me, I need a sturdy crew to brave the cliffside in search of our friend. Nofel knows of the dangers that lie in wait.” With haste, everyfel, including yourself, boarded Noah’s boat and set sail. The journey was swift and as you approached the jagged cliffs lining the edge of the Great Maw, the sight sent chills down your spine. To your dismay, you found Hallstein pinned against a spire jutting from the water swirling below. His massive form thrashed frantically against the frozen fishing nets that anchored him in place. The boat lurches as Noah unexpectedly lowers his anchor before you can advance any closer, “The tide is too low, we can not approach.” his eyes filled with deep concern as he walks toward the bow of the boat, “Although high tide will allow us a closer approach, it will certainly spell trouble for Hallstein. We must find a way to free him before the tide rolls in.” You flick your eyes back to Hallstein and meet his panicked gaze.

The water below surged threateningly, a warning of the incoming tide. There was little time in your paws to make a solid plan, yet something tugged at you. Something deep down that was unshakable and it called out as loud as the roar of the waves. Hongerige itself beckons to you, you have to jump.


Depict or Write your Felvarg having leapt from the docks of Noah’s ship to reach Hallstein and free him from the frozen fishing nets before the tide rolls in. You’re struggling to free him from beneath the water's cold bite..


1x Badge, 1x Waterlogged Goods, 1x Tangled Fishing Line, 1x Gold Flecked Eel, 1x Scrap Rope, and a 50% chance for 1x Trap Netting

Departing Shops
The Twisting Equinox - May 14th @ 11:59 PM IST
Recent News

March 01, 2025

We would like to congratulate the Winners of Group Games, Lyutsirov who took home the Soulmate Trait from Potluck and Kit who snagged 26,000 Felcredits from Varglotto! What will we be sneaking away in this month's Group Games? A clever little Moonhowler's Map, written by Mani Mani himself, it is a great resource when trying to identify shortcuts during Marathon! This month we welcome Starkir to Sacred Offerings, whose obsession with magic has lead him to Ulfrheim. 

We also want to extend a big thank you to our Nitro Boosters for supporting the Felvargs Discord server for the month of February. You will find that 1x Geode and 1000 FC have been added to your cache. The winner of the monthly Alpha Slot Raffle is Katakire who won a slot to the loyal and hotheaded Bjarki! Thank you for your continued support!

- Bird & Team Felvargs

March 1st, 2025

Somehow February is already over and spring is coming in fast! We want you all gather around to celebrate March's Felvarg of the Month, Verdandi 7584 owned by Itachislilgirl! From the moment Verdandi took their first steps within our midst, they started making friends left, right and center and leaped straight into adventures. Verdi has been showered with love and ever so stunning pieces of art and so it only feels right to showcase a Felvarg with such a presence from the very beginning, like a star in the sky that shines so bright! Congratulations Verdandi!

It is never a bad time to toss in your vote for Felvarg of the Month and so we recommend taking action from the beginning of the new month. Let us know who you think should be in the spotlight for the month of April!

 -  Eerea & Team Felvargs

February 3rd, 2025

Congratulations to AdmiraI for winning this month's Varglotto netting them a large sum of 32,500 Felcredits! The winner of Potluck goes to Barking-Birds, congratulations on your brand new White Dragon! I might have lost a few feathers this month but I am pleased that it is all yours now. Curious as to what Next Month's Potluck will be? In the spirit of Spring, we have placed 1x Soulmate Trait in the chest for you to win. Be sure you head on over to the front page and get your tickets to win! Unable to spend the season with the one Fel he yearns for the most, a heartbroken Loki sits on top of the Sacred Offering Altar, and with him, a trunk full of unique items sits at his side. His ears pin to his head as his eyes scan the crowd, disappointed that she was not there.

Congratulations to
February's Felvarg of the Month, Orvar 151 owned by Landseers! This grumpy old man has been roaming the lands of Ulfrheim for many years now, tavern hopping from village to village. He's an old soul that's had some new life breathed into him by Landseers and it's so great to see him making new friends as he find himself taking much more adventures. With him having just joined a new pack, I expect we will be seeing much more of the wonderous Orvar as he makes even more memories across the islands! Congratulations Orvar!

We would like to take a moment to thank our Nitro Boosters for supporting the Felvargs Discord Server for the month of January. Your continued support is greatly appreciated, you will find that 1000 Felcredits and 1x Love Letters have been added to your cache! The winner to our Nitro Alpha Slot Raffle is Xolverite  who won a slot to the Cold and Adventurous Ashmund 289! Congratulations!

 - Skellicorn & Team Felvargs

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