04/05/2024 - 05/03/2024 | 11:59:59PM IST
Keijo's Sleeve
As The Broken Wheel fell quiet you felt tension in the air. Fenrir gave a stiff, curt nod as Hel looked to him with her head held high. “Ylva has told me of an incantation you wish to speak with me about,” Hel inquired. For a heartbeat, Fenrir held an intense gaze on Hel. Surely he could trust Ylva, yet here Hel stood before him as he presented subtle conflictions of her judgment. You watch as Freyja leans ever so closer to Fenrir, giving the reassurance everyfel needed to break the silence and begin. “Let us discuss,” she spoke with a soft tone of urgency. As the Alphas crowd around one another in a tight circle, they began whispering in quick succession. With a wave of her tail, Ylva dismisses you. You take your leave to give them space, trailing to the outside of the Broken Wheel. Your mind drifts to the captivating book that was full of information that would take days of study. What could the elemental symbols mean? Your mind reeled at the possibilities, your fur standing on end at the thought of such powerful dark magic.
With a small jolt, you are pulled from your deep thoughts as Fenrir rushes to catch up to you. His expression was unreadable, his eyes didn’t dare betray what his own mind was racing about. “As I was saying before,” Fenrir began, “I ask for one more favor.” Fenrir brings out the book he had shown you prior, as well as a book from his own personal collection. “You will need to traverse to the northern regions of the Village of Skalaness and locate a library by the name of Keijo's Sleeve,” he said as gestured for you to take the books. You tilt your head, taking the books within your paws as Fenrir continues to explain. “There at Keijo’s Sleeve you will need to search for books of each of the individual elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Death, Life, Shadow, Light, and Time.” He pressed on the two books in your paws, “These are so that you are granted access to the library. The keeper is not one to let go of his artifacts easily, a trade of equal value is required. I am certain he would gladly add these to his collection.” You nod in understanding, it was said that the locals had high respect for the library owner. Your paws tingled at the thought of stepping paw in the very place.
Wasting no time, you head to Keijo’s Sleeve. Sticking your head in the many dimly lit alley’s, you finally come across the one that leads to the tight corridor that hosts Keijo’s Sleeve. The musty smell of books and parchment floods your nostrils, the very sight of the many shelves full of relics was inspiring, yet daunting. Before you could get any closer, a small dwarf with a long beard appeared at your paws. With a gruff clear of his throat, he narrows his eyes at you. “The names
Keijo, and you?” he grunted as he busied himself with the many scrolls in his paws. Before you could utter your name, you see that he’s inspecting the two books you possessed, his ears twitching with great interest as he exclaimed, “Ah, now where does somefel like you find such books!” Before trading the books off to Keijo, you sit and explain the situation.
“You need to borrow 9 books, each for a unique element?” Keijo sat stroking his beard, pondering about lending out so many books. You nod your head eagerly and leaned forward with anticipation as the seconds drew on. “You will find them here, each tucked away in their respective spot,” he spoke in a matter of fact tone, clearly proud of his organization skills. “However, I have much to do and cannot assist,” Keijo grumbled as he quickly tucked away the two books that you had given to him. With a wave of his paw, he sends you off into his library. “Be swift, and careful!” he barked back at you as he disappeared behind a curtain down a corridor. As the soft sound of rain started to patter just outside, you stood there amongst the many towering shelves, your fur prickling uneasily. It was time to start your search for the 9 individual books.
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Keijo's Sleeve as they search the many shelves within the library for the 9 Elemental Books.
1,500 Felcredits,
1x Chest of War, Peace, Power, Knowledge,
1x Long Lost Treasure,
3x Token of Eastertide,
1x Path to Valhalla,
50% Chance for
1x Stack of Missing Pages