Group Games

Sacred Offering: Grima (469)

Varglotto: 15500 Felcredits
04/05/2024 - 05/03/2024 | 11:59:59PM IST

Keijo's Sleeve

As The Broken Wheel fell quiet you felt tension in the air. Fenrir gave a stiff, curt nod as Hel looked to him with her head held high. “Ylva has told me of an incantation you wish to speak with me about,” Hel inquired. For a heartbeat, Fenrir held an intense gaze on Hel. Surely he could trust Ylva, yet here Hel stood before him as he presented subtle conflictions of her judgment. You watch as Freyja leans ever so closer to Fenrir, giving the reassurance everyfel needed to break the silence and begin. “Let us discuss,” she spoke with a soft tone of urgency. As the Alphas crowd around one another in a tight circle, they began whispering in quick succession. With a wave of her tail, Ylva dismisses you. You take your leave to give them space, trailing to the outside of the Broken Wheel. Your mind drifts to the captivating book that was full of information that would take days of study. What could the elemental symbols mean? Your mind reeled at the possibilities, your fur standing on end at the thought of such powerful dark magic.

With a small jolt, you are pulled from your deep thoughts as Fenrir rushes to catch up to you. His expression was unreadable, his eyes didn’t dare betray what his own mind was racing about. “As I was saying before,” Fenrir began, “I ask for one more favor.” Fenrir brings out the book he had shown you prior, as well as a book from his own personal collection. “You will need to traverse to the northern regions of the Village of Skalaness and locate a library by the name of Keijo's Sleeve,” he said as gestured for you to take the books. You tilt your head, taking the books within your paws as Fenrir continues to explain. “There at Keijo’s Sleeve you will need to search for books of each of the individual elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Death, Life, Shadow, Light, and Time.” He pressed on the two books in your paws, “These are so that you are granted access to the library. The keeper is not one to let go of his artifacts easily, a trade of equal value is required. I am certain he would gladly add these to his collection.” You nod in understanding, it was said that the locals had high respect for the library owner. Your paws tingled at the thought of stepping paw in the very place.

Wasting no time, you head to Keijo’s Sleeve. Sticking your head in the many dimly lit alley’s, you finally come across the one that leads to the tight corridor that hosts Keijo’s Sleeve. The musty smell of books and parchment floods your nostrils, the very sight of the many shelves full of relics was inspiring, yet daunting. Before you could get any closer, a small dwarf with a long beard appeared at your paws. With a gruff clear of his throat, he narrows his eyes at you. “The names Keijo, and you?” he grunted as he busied himself with the many scrolls in his paws. Before you could utter your name, you see that he’s inspecting the two books you possessed, his ears twitching with great interest as he exclaimed, “Ah, now where does somefel like you find such books!” Before trading the books off to Keijo, you sit and explain the situation.

“You need to borrow 9 books, each for a unique element?” Keijo sat stroking his beard, pondering about lending out so many books. You nod your head eagerly and leaned forward with anticipation as the seconds drew on. “You will find them here, each tucked away in their respective spot,” he spoke in a matter of fact tone, clearly proud of his organization skills. “However, I have much to do and cannot assist,” Keijo grumbled as he quickly tucked away the two books that you had given to him. With a wave of his paw, he sends you off into his library. “Be swift, and careful!” he barked back at you as he disappeared behind a curtain down a corridor. As the soft sound of rain started to patter just outside, you stood there amongst the many towering shelves, your fur prickling uneasily. It was time to start your search for the 9 individual books.


Depict or write your Felvarg inside Keijo's Sleeve as they search the many shelves within the library for the 9 Elemental Books.


1,500 Felcredits, 1x Chest of War, Peace, Power, Knowledge, 1x Long Lost Treasure, 3x Token of Eastertide, 1x Path to Valhalla, 50% Chance for 1x Stack of Missing Pages
09/23/2024 - 10/18/2024 | 11:59:59PM IST

Paintings in the Dark

As you tread along the crumbling path of the fallen, the ground beneath your paws shifts uneasily. The air feels thin here, laden with dust and ancient whispers, as though the spirits of those who perished before watch your every move. Stones crack and shift underfoot, and for a brief moment, the eerie silence of the valley is broken by the groan of the earth itself. Before you can react, the ground gives way in a thunderous roar, and you plunge downward, your limbs flailing as darkness swallows you whole.

You crash into a mine shaft below, the air forced from your lungs as you collide with the dusty floor. Everything is eerily still for a moment, save for the distant echoes of falling debris settling into the abyss. Pain throbs through your body, but nothing feels broken. Slowly, you rise, shaking the dust from your pelt. The air here is musty, thick with the scent of decaying wood and stone that hasn’t been touched in eons. The dim light from the hole above barely illuminates the space, casting long, twisting shadows across the walls. As your eyes adjust, you notice them—paintings. Faint and weathered, they seem to shift and waver in the dim light, as though they were drawn by an unsteady hand. They stretch along the walls in long, haunting sequences: towering figures with hollow eyes, scenes of battle and mourning, and shapes that feel too abstract to decipher. Yet, something about them sends a chill through your spine, as though you are being watched by the very images themselves. The silence here is deafening, broken only by the faint sound of dripping water in the distance. Your breath feels loud in the thick, stagnant air as you begin to explore your surroundings. The tunnel stretches out in two directions—both narrow and foreboding. The ceiling sags in places, barely supported by rotting beams, while deep gouges in the stone suggest the desperate efforts of miners long gone. As you move deeper into the mine, the paintings grow more vivid, their lines sharper, their colours more intense. You pass depictions of shadowy figures standing before massive gates, hooded creatures offering up sacrifices, and swirling storms of black and red. Every now and then, you catch the glimmer of something metallic embedded in the rock: tools, trinkets, or perhaps discarded coins. Their placement feels deliberate, as though they were offerings—or warnings.

The air grows colder the further you venture, and an unsettling energy begins to thrum beneath your paws. You can't shake the feeling that you’re not alone. Soft whispers tickle your ears, though when you strain to listen, there’s nothing but the drip of water and the creak of ancient wood. Your senses feel heightened, every shadow suddenly darker, every echo louder. Navigating through the labyrinthine tunnels, you come across strange symbols etched into the walls alongside the paintings. They pulse faintly in the dim light, as though imbued with some long-forgotten magic. Perhaps they hold a clue to the mine’s purpose—or its dangers. A soft, cold breeze brushes past you from deeper within the shaft, bringing with it the scent of something... metallic. Blood? Or perhaps the sharp tang of iron from the mines. Whatever it is, it's not comforting.

You come to a crossroad where the air feels heavier, oppressive even. In one direction, a faint light flickers like a dying ember, barely visible at the end of a narrow passage. In the other, the tunnel dips downward into absolute darkness, the path sloping sharply as though descending into the very belly of the earth. Something is down there. You can feel it. The hairs along your back bristle at the thought of what lies in the deep, but staying in this cursed place is no safer. As you press on, the ground shifts again beneath you, and you wonder—what else might collapse?


Depict or write your Felvarg trying to escape through the abandoned mine shaft coated in odd paintings and symbols. It is clearly unsafe to stay here, and exiting is crucial. Who knows what else lingers in the darkness.


1x Excavation Roll, 1x Randomly Rolled Item, 1,000 Felcredits.
Beast Hunt
10/03/2024 - 11/02/2024 | 11:59:59PM IST


A thick, suffocating fog blankets the landscape, casting everything in a heavy, oppressive silence. The world beyond a few paces is hidden, swallowed whole by the swirling mist. The once-crisp air now carries the scent of damp earth, and the muffled sound of your footsteps feels strangely hollow, as if even the ground beneath you resents the intrusion. The great hawk Hermodr, known across Ulfrheim for his swiftness and loyalty to the Alphas, lies before you. His imposing form, with sharp metal feathers glinting in the dark night and piercing amber eyes, is now grounded. His left wing is twisted awkwardly beneath him, bent at an unnatural angle after his fall from the sky. His breaths come in short, labored gasps, each one a testament to the pain he’s enduring. The message clutched in his talons is clearly of great importance, the wax seal bearing Fenrir’s unmistakable mark still intact.

The fog, thick and unmoving, has grounded more than just Hermodr. It's unnatural, likely the work of dark magic, as even the winds seem hesitant to disturb it. Time feels twisted here, and each moment wasted could mean disaster. Hermodr’s injuries leave him unable to fly, and yet the letter must be delivered swiftly. Your task is clear: you must navigate the perilous terrain, overcome whatever dangers lie hidden within the fog, and deliver the letter in Hermodr’s stead. But it won’t be easy. The fog itself feels alive, shifting and swirling as if watching your every move. The path is treacherous, full of unseen dangers—jagged rocks, hidden pitfalls, and the distant growl of creatures who thrive in the shadows. The weight of the responsibility presses upon you like the fog itself; failure is not an option, for whatever lies in that letter holds the fate of Ulfrheim in its grasp.

With Hermodr's guidance, you may be able to navigate the land and avoid the dangers that lurk within the mist, but time is your greatest enemy. As the fog thickens, you must rely on your instincts and perhaps even those you encounter along the way, though not all may be trustworthy in times like these. The question remains: will you be able to deliver the letter in time, or will the thick fog and the enemies hidden within it prove too much to overcome? Hermodr watches you intently, his strength waning but his will unbroken. The path ahead is shrouded in uncertainty, but your goal is clear. The letter must reach its destination—whatever the cost.


Depict or Write your Felvarg attempting to deliver the letter to Fenrir with Hermodr carefully bundled up with you.


1x Badge, 1x Strange Nordic Box, 1x Candies, 25% chance for 1x Bottled Cloud.
October 1st - October 31st
Recent News

October 01, 2024

Varglotto has been scored by the lovely Crooked-Wolf bringing home 13,500 precious Felcredits just in time for the event! Congratulations! Wanting to be our next winner? Don't forget to get your tickets today! All you need is one to be a winner. The winner of the monthly Potluck goes to the ever amazing BlackFurPictures! They bring home 1x Passage to Valhalla, helping them locate more valuable rewards while traversing the treacherous lands of Helvalla! What will this month's reward be? I am glad you asked. We have shoved in the chest 1x Oracle’s Rune of Sacrifice! This item allows you to unlock an additional companion slot for your Felvarg. You have no idea what I had to do to sneak this away from Oracle himself and just between you and me, if he comes asking, I was never here. If you want a chance at winning this rare prize, and you didn't hear this from me, all you need to do is comment here for your ticket! It only cost 1,000 FC to enter!

Darkness falls over the lone island that housed the Seat of the Alpha. The braziers burn brightly in the night sending stray embers falling like snow. From the shadows Grima emerges to take the Sacred Offering, her blue eyes piercing through the darkness. Her very presence daring the braves of souls to dare to approach her. 

  Kiwi & Team Felvargs

October 01, 2024

We would like to take a moment to thank our lovely Nitro Boosters for boosting the Felvargs Discord Server for the month of September. You will find that 1x Long Lost Map Pieces and 1000 FC have been deposited into your cache. The winner of the Alpha Slot Raffle is Oddlypets who scored a slot to the cunning and devious Revikta 590! Congratulations, we appreciate your continued support!

-Bird & Team Felvargs

Septemebr 3, 2024

Varglotto reached a height of 25,500 Felcredits and the winner of the whole pot is Skellicorn Congratulations! What an investment that ticket was. Our next month's winner could be YOU, all you need to do is purchase your tickets today! The chest containing the Potluck prize 1x Aurora's Crystal Ball  was won by Crooked-Wolf, Congratulations! What will be this month's Potluck prize you ask? 1x Passage to Valhalla! This book, carefully crafted from several of its lost pages will grant your Felvarg the ability to find more valuable goods while exploring the lands of Helvalla! This book is hard to get your paws on and one lucky winner will take it home, get your tickets in!

Questioning why she ever accepted the offer to appear here in the first place, Isa pins her ears back and forces a nervous smile on her face before stepping up to the Sacred Offering Altar.

  Kiwi & Team Felvargs

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