Felvarg of the Month
Group Games

Varglotto: 14500 Felcredits
01/14/2025 - 2/18/2025 | 11:59:59PM IST


The peaks of Haldor’s Pass wash an eerie feeling over your pelt. You shake violently in an attempt to rid yourself of the discomfort. The smell of smoke fills your nostrils as your head shakes rapidly, your nose scrunched now in displeasure. As you approach a forest capped peak you hear what appears to be an argument between four Felvargs. The voices are muddled together and it’s not until you get closer that they become recognisable. Ulfr and Bjorn, and neither sounds particularly happy with the other. Peering out now from between the bushes you watch the interaction unfold.

“Yes, because you’ve never made mistakes!” Ulfr lashes out as he paces before Bjorn who was clearly agitated as his lip twitched.

“Mistakes?” Bjorn growled now and charged forward a few steps, “Mistakes?! Mistakes are when you arrive 20 minutes late!” Bjorn pinned his ears now in frustration, “Mistakes are when you do something by MISTAKE!” He snapped now in the direction of Ulfr who took such a movement as a personal attack. The savage Felvarg stood his ground snarling back at his brother, the two now standing off as the bickering continued.

“Please!” Ylva attempted to reason with the two of them, but her efforts were futile, before she could speak further Ulfr lunged forward and his very choice triggered a fight between the two that sent Ylva into an even greater upset as she tried to place herself between them.

Freyja sat hunched over something on the ground and the only noises you could decipher from her were tangled with hurt and tears. What was that? That thing? Curiosity pulls you out from the bushes as you approach cautiously. Now standing behind Freyja you call to her, “Freyja?” She doesn’t appear to hear you, instead she continues to weep. You circle around her and what you see next causes you to rush backwards as you trip over your own paws.

It’s Fenrir, The Great Father. His lifeless body lies beneath his love as she weeps, you’re in shock, disbelief even, how could this happen. Is this a vision? Thoughts race violently through your head as you scan the peaks of Haldor’s Pass searching for anything that would wake you from this nightmare.

“YOU!” Freyja turns to you in a fit of anger. You look left and right, she can see you now? “You did this!” She roars at you, tears streaming down her face. No! No you didn’t, you’re sure of it, you try to explain yourself but she won’t listen. For the first time in your life you witness something you’ve never witnessed before, Freyja bares her teeth at you and violently launches herself in your direction. You can’t fight The Great Mother? You turn and flee in an attempt to shake her and hell hath no fury than the vision of Freyja chasing behind you in a fit of rage as you glance over your shoulder. You can hear Ulfr and Bjorn yelping and crying out, Ylva’s upset drowning them both out.

Once glance, two, three, the fourth unlike the rest because when you turn back you trip over a tree trunk and stumble down the hill crashing into various objects before you hit your head and the world around you turns to darkness once more.

You emerge from the water gasping for air as you choke on its salty grip, stumbling backwards you take one final tumble as you blink rapidly once more, praying your vision has returned. When you finally ground yourself you widen your eyes to take in the room. An albino coated Felvarg with soft grey streaks upon her chest stands before you with her head quirked to one side. Her cheeks hang ground level as they coil and uncoil against the cavern floor. Her eyes narrow now as she tilts her head in the other direction to get a better look at you, “Can you see me now?” You flick one ear confused, and just before you open your mouth to respond the stranger interrupts you, “You look awful.” Her eyebrows raised as the words left her muzzle and in tandem she lifted her paw delicately and dramatically from the ground and flicked it, almost as if she had second paw discomfort from the state you were in.

Despite your vision returning, the world around you was still a blur, and you couldn’t be more happy to finally be awake from that.. nightmare. “My name is Nimh, and I am Sanctuary’s Timekeeper.” A Timekeeper? What’s that? Sanctuary however? That sounds familiar.


Depict or write your Felvarg stood before a rushing stream within The Great Maw, staring into the water at your own blinded reflection, mere moments from plunging your face within. Flowers litter the water and equally moss on every viable surface is bountiful. Light slices through the caves cracks overhead allowing dust to dance within its rays blissfully unaware of your woes.


1,500 Felcredits, 1x Chest of War, Peace, Power, Knowledge, 1x Long Lost Treasure, 1x Eye Mutation, 1x Scar Kit, 50% Chance for1x Freyja’s Keepsake, 50% Chance for 1x Chosen Common Trait
01/17/2025 - 02/15/2025 | 11:59:59PM IST

Rizz Benefactor

At the heart of Sanna’s Aperture a swirling pond sits beneath the falls of this cavern situated in Sanna’s Grasp, each of the winding streams all traverse to this very pool and upon its surface flower petals dance. A soft dusk moonlight cascades down from the cavern's tops where slices of missing rock allow its glow to seep within. The soothing sound of waterfalls fills the crisp cool cavern, a soft sing song of birds splashing within the pond echo through the twisting corridors as they serenade anyfel passing through. Fish of many vibrant shades somersault within the shallows, nibbling eagerly at the flora that travels downstream to settle here. Moss and foliage grow upon any viable surface and the waters reflect the clear moonlit stars that nestled overhead. Truly mesmerizing, and that? Well that is why Uhma chose this very spot to surprise her loving Ursa.

As you’re traveling through Sanna’s Grasp a soft voice gasping in pleasure causes your ears to prick forward, you glance down one of the corridors and see Uhma and Ursa. Ursa has her paws drawn up to her chest, as if something had spooked her, but what you saw next made it apparent her reaction was nothing shy of shock. Uhma had spent the evening preparing this very pond within Sanna’s Aperture to surprise her soulmate Ursa. A romantic display. Candles float and bob upon the pond and equally surrounding the spot in which the two now stood. A beautiful display of roses and flowers litter beneath their paws. Uhma notices you, but remains focused. A simple glance is all it took for her to tell you that interrupting them would surely ruin her entire plan. You remain firmly in place, careful not to make a single noise. Relief is what washed over her when she felt comfortable you understood what it was she was asking.

With love in her tone Uhma cleared her throat and recited a poem she had written for Ursa, and when the poem concluded Ursa melted right before your very eyes. Most anyfel would have smiled as the two interacted. Ursa quickly closed the gap between herself and Uhma, the two locked in a beautiful embrace. You had never seen Ursa or Uhma so smitten, and mostfel would probably not believe you had you repeated the events as they unfolded. Uhma made it clear to Ursa there were more surprises to be had; and after taking in the room one last time, and Uhma tucking a flower lovingly in Ursa’s mane, the two set off in your direction.

As Ursa passed you love still washed over her expression, brows furrowed she nodded at you respectfully. Uhma a mere pawstep behind however was sure to lean over to you before she trotted off to catch up to Ursa, the words she whispered next took you by surprise.

“And that my friend? That is how you do it.” A smug shrug followed the pause in her words before she enthusiastically finished with a, “Praise Valhalla! I’m just that good.” The titan nudged her shoulder into yours as she chuckled, “Feel free to use my treat as you please.” Uhma winked one last time as if to imply she was doing you a grand favor for sharing her rizz with you, before leaving you standing within Sanna’s Grasp with an expression on your face looking like the fire was lit but nofel was home.


Depict or write your Felvarg inside Sanna’s Grasp at the Aperture alongside a Fevlarg that is dear to you, sharing in the beautiful display Uhma had encouraged you to make use of.


1,500 Felcredits, 1x Long Lost Treasure, 1x Chocolate Strawberries, 1x Love Letters, 2x Flora, 1x Pristine Mass of Unakite, 1x Chest of Peace


Now’s the time to give Uhma any items you may have in your cache that she might find useful.
Beast Hunt
02/03/2025 - 03/02/2025 | 11:59:59PM IST


A heavy fog creeps over the pathway leading from Skalaness to Bardr. It slithers along the ground, wrapping itself around your paws as if it were liquid. A wave of apprehension washes over you as you realize this is no ordinary fog. It billows in front of you, shrouding a shadowy figure that lingers within it. Your eyes fixate on the mysterious form as it takes a step toward you making your hackles stand on end. Fear freezes you in place and no matter how much you willed your paws to move, they stayed firmly planted on the path. The figure takes another step, breaking through the veil. In an instant, you recognize the figure as Falkyre, Aurora’s most loyal companion, but what was he doing here? Was Aurora here? Has she finally returned? You give your head a shake and refocus your attention on the beast in front of you. Your eyes are captivated by his gaze and are unable to look away as the world around you begins to fade.

Moments later you wake to find yourself standing in the center of Bifrost Bridge. An iconic landmark in Helvalla that stretched as far as the eye could see in either direction. Violent waves pass underneath yet the bridge itself remains as sturdy and unmoving as Fenrir’s Incisor. You flick your ear as a familiar voice from behind catches your attention. Turning around you find Aurora a few paces ahead of you staring longingly out into Hongerige. Before you can speak, however, Falkyre emerges from behind and walks past you, startling you into silence. He approaches Aurora and she turns to him, tears swelling up in her eyes. She places a gentle paw on the beast’s forehead, “If only I could see him once more, I’d tell him that there has never been a day that passed where I do not think of him.” She closes her eyes tightly as a tear falls delicately down her cheek. Aurora takes a shaky breath, fighting her upset as best she could, “You can go though, Falkyre.” Her words were broken and laced with hurt. “Go for me and find him, find him and tell him to howl at the moonlit sky as dusk falls tomorrow evening.” Falkyre closed the gap between him and Aurora, falling into her embrace to comfort her, “Tell him to share a howl with me, a howl at the same moon together at last.” Aurora tucked even tighter into Falkyre as her words were nothing but a whisper now, “Please.” As Falkyre pulls away his head turns sharply, his gaze locking with yours. Immediately your ears ring the sound overwhelming you, the world around you begins to shake violently and your vision fades once more.

You shut your eyes tightly and give your head another shake only when you open them, you are standing on the road between Skalaness and Bardr with Flakyre’s imposing form softly approaching you. Flakyre’s body slightly lurches forward as you instinctively step backward. His ears pinned to his head and his face scrunched in displeasure, clearly unhappy with your choice to disengage. Each time you attempt to remove yourself Falkyre blocks your path and with your final attempt to disengage he stomps his two front paws defiantly and grunts at you. You seem to have no choice. You look to the sky in thought, a few short hours before dusk, perhaps Falkyre is trying to recruit you to help him find Loki. As luck should have it you know where Loki is, and it’s a stones throw from here. With a sigh you nod to a very pleased Falkyre who as he trots behind you purrs with pleasure in each beat.


Depict or Write your Felvarg escorting Falkyre to the Seat of the Alpha where Loki was last seen so that he may deliver Aurora's message.


1x Badge, 1,000 Felcredits, 1x Love Letters, 1x Aurora's Vial of Fortune, 1x Love Potion, and 1x Elixir of Time
February 3rd - March 9th
Recent News
February 3rd, 2024

Congratulations to AdmiraI for winning this month's Varglotto netting them a large sum of 32,500 Felcredits! The winner of Potluck goes to Barking-Birds, congratulations on your brand new White Dragon! I might have lost a few feathers this month but I am pleased that it is all yours now. Curious as to what Next Month's Potluck will be? In the spirit of Spring, we have placed 1x Soulmate Trait in the chest for you to win. Be sure you head on over to the front page and get your tickets to win! Unable to spend the season with the one Fel he yearns for the most, a heartbroken Loki sits on top of the Sacred Offering Altar, and with him, a trunk full of unique items sits at his side. His ears pin to his head as his eyes scan the crowd, disappointed that she was not there.

Congratulations to
February's Felvarg of the Month, Orvar 151 owned by Landseers! This grumpy old man has been roaming the lands of Ulfrheim for many years now, tavern hopping from village to village. He's an old soul that's had some new life breathed into him by Landseers and it's so great to see him making new friends as he find himself taking much more adventures. With him having just joined a new pack, I expect we will be seeing much more of the wonderous Orvar as he makes even more memories across the islands! Congratulations Orvar!

We would like to take a moment to thank our Nitro Boosters for supporting the Felvargs Discord Server for the month of January. Your continued support is greatly appreciated, you will find that 1000 Felcredits and 1x Love Letters have been added to your cache! The winner to our Nitro Alpha Slot Raffle is Xolverite  who won a slot to the Cold and Adventurous Ashmund 289! Congratulations!

 - Skellicorn & Team Felvargs

January 5, 2024

Win it big! December's Varglotto winner is Captain-Bird who took home 22,000 Felcredits! Congratulations! What's in the chest? BlackFurPictures is our lucky Potluck winner! Lyra takes home 1x Frost Modifier to chill out any genotype and shift it's hue to something more....cooler.  Congratulations! What will be in this month's potluck? The every evasive 1x White Dragon, and don't ask me what I had to do to convince a whole dragon to hang out in a chest for a month. Kiwi magic! Get your tickets today if you want a chance at winning this beautiful companion! 

We are starting this year off strong as Jera proudly steps up to be January's Sacred Offering Alpha! It is not often she is able to step away from her Clan duties, however she cherishes the time she gets to spend with you. Do not miss her this month! 

  Kiwi & Team Felvargs

January 05, 2025

Happy New Year everyfel! We would like to take a moment to thank our Nitro Boosters for supporting the Felvargs Discord Server for the month of December. Your continued support is greatly appreciated, you will find that 1x Fertility Potion and 1x Long Lost Treasure has been added to your cache. The winner to our Nitro Alpha Slot Raffle is Katakire who won a slot to the deceitful and intelligent Rikari 108. Congratulations!

 -Bird & Team Felvargs

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