
Valda (#5036)
Level: 1
Valda (ID 5036) - Captain-Bird

Name: Valda
Health Status: Healthy
Age: 20 Years
Gender: Female
Soulmate: Cairo
Height: 140cm
Weight: 720lbs
Build: Standard
Coat type: Standard
Genotype: ss/Cr/br/bk/Se/Tk/Bd/Sb/Bar
Phenotype: Cream with Siamese, Ticked, Brindle, Sable, Barring
Physical Mutations: None
Horns: None
Hierarchy Level: 1/6
Passage of Courtship: 2/2
Pack: The Ravens of Ulfrheim
Design Copyright: Captain-Bird
Personality Traits: N/A
Felvarg Achievements
User Achievements
-- TOTAL: 28 | Points: 160


A warrior at heart, Valda is a straightforward Felvarg who is good with combat. She's well rounded and will give friendly nods to almost anyfel she meets. Stoic, she isn't one to show many emotions. Fierce and loyal to the very end.
SSS: Unknown
SS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
Sire: Rohan #3434
SDS: Sol #2660
SD: Svala #2872
SDD: Ansuz #2657
DSS: Unknown
DS: Svalfi #105
DSD: Unknown
Dam: Rose #626
DDS: Unknown
DD: Nanna #15
DDD: Unknown
Valda 5036
Soulmate: Cairo 5151
Level One

Level Two

Level Three

Level Four

Level Five

Valda's Tracker
Tack (4)
- Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
- Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
- Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
- Pristine Fishing Pole - 10% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.
Companions (3)
- Raven - Provides an additional 5EXP when drawn alongside its owner.
- Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
- Snow Leopard - Provides an additional 15% chance for success while participating in Beast Hunting.
Traits (9)
1/6 Rare Traits
2/5 Legendary Traits
- Persuasion - All items found in starter group activities are worth 10% more than their initial value.
- Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
- Big Game Hunter - Increase the sell back price of items found during tracking large prey by 5%.
- Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
- Hatchery - Automatically re-roll a failed hatch attempt on any eggs found by this Felvarg if not initially successful.
- Fame - Grants all Felvargs depicted beside you 1EXP.
- Primal Instincts - Increase the odds of succeeding in Beast Hunting by 15%.
- Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
- Supremacy - Provides a chance to return a randomly rolled semi-custom crystal during any successful Beast Hunts.
Backgrounds (1)
- Import Background Set: The Great Maw
Cosmetics (0)
Titles (2)
- Title: The Famous
- Title: Timewalker
Adventuring Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Adventuring
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Tracking Small Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Small Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Tracking Large Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Large Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Fishing Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Fishing
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Pristine Fishing Pole - 10% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Mountaineering Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Mountaineering
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Excavating Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Excavating
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Diving Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Diving
Additional Bonus Items:
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Jormungandr Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Jormungandr
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Quest Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Quest
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Tournament Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Competition: Tournament
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Underbelly Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Competition: Underbelly
Challenger Alpha:
Additional Bonus Items:
Marathon Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Marathon
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Capture the Flag Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Capture the Flag
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Helvalla Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Helvalla
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Beast Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Completed Entry:
Additional Bonus Items:
Primal Instincts - Increase the odds of succeeding in Beast Hunting by 15%.
Snow Leopard - Provides an additional 15% chance for success while participating in Beast Hunting.
Supremacy - Provides a chance to return a randomly rolled semi-custom crystal during any successful Beast Hunts.
Storybook Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Link to Storybook Hub:
Activity: Storybook
Additional Bonus Items:
Seal Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Seal Hunting
Preemptive Heal: N/A -or- In Cache
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Adventuring
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Blessing of the High Queen - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while Adventuring.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Tracking Small Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Small Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Tracking Large Prey Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Tracking (Large Prey)
Additional Bonus Items:
Handcrafted Sword - 25% chance to return an additional item while Tracking.
Leather Leg Guards - 5% chance to return more valuable items while tracking.
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Fishing Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Fishing
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Pristine Fishing Pole - 10% chance to return more valuable items while fishing.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Mountaineering Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Mountaineering
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Excavating Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Excavating
Additional Bonus Items:
Black Market Map - 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activity.
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Explorer - Provides a small chance to return an additional Adventure item while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Is your soulmate present?
Passive Soulmate Bonus - Allows both soulmates the ability to locate revealable items while exploring the lands of Ulfrheim together.
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Diving Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Diving
Additional Bonus Items:
Turkey - Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Jormungandr Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Jormungandr
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Quest Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Quest
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Tournament Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Competition: Tournament
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Underbelly Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Competition: Underbelly
Challenger Alpha:
Additional Bonus Items:
Marathon Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Marathon
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Capture the Flag Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Capture the Flag
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
Helvalla Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Helvalla
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate - Provides the ability to locate revealable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities with onefels soulmate.
Beast Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Completed Entry:
Additional Bonus Items:
Primal Instincts - Increase the odds of succeeding in Beast Hunting by 15%.
Snow Leopard - Provides an additional 15% chance for success while participating in Beast Hunting.
Supremacy - Provides a chance to return a randomly rolled semi-custom crystal during any successful Beast Hunts.
Storybook Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Link to Storybook Hub:
Activity: Storybook
Additional Bonus Items:
Seal Hunting Form
Link to import/ID#: ID 5036 Valda
Link to Tracker: Valda's Tracker
Activity: Seal Hunting
Preemptive Heal: N/A -or- In Cache
Additional Bonus Items:
Is your soulmate present?
Soulmate: Cairo 5151 (Remove if doesn't apply!)
5 / 6 Used
Used Slots:
No promised slots.
- ID #2357 - Dewdrop
- ID #2516 - Amartuq
- ID #5151 - Cairo
- ID #4013 - Harlin
- ID #5290 - Splinter
- ID #5334 - Theo
- ID #5390 - Peaches
- ID #5490 - Marlowe
- ID #5519 - Kaimani
- ID #5795 - Aslaug
- ID #6077 - Haroun
- ID #6585 - Shadow Six
- ID #6762 - Tolius
- ID #6765 - Sinistre
- ID #6815 - Denali
- ID #7090 - Konstantine
- ID #7473 - Reidun